Difficulty change

I have to say I’m loving the difficulty change. Heroic and m0 aren’t particularly hard, but it’s nice that I actually have to occasionally press a healing spell in heroic/m0 dungeons, instead of just only dpsing as a healer through the entire run. It feels like I actually contribute, instead of just running behind an overpowered tank until the end. Getting to have some actual gameplay while gearing up to be able to do M+ has been much better than just zzzing through hours of dungeons until I feel like I have enough gear to do M+.

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The amount of people who didn’t know about the dungeon changes has been…“interesting”.

I won’t lie, I was expecting to get slapped down the moment I walked into a mythic after seeing so many people 480+ saying they’re overtuned

Then we just kinda rolled over them doing stupid pulls and 2 of our people were gearing like 450 ilvl alts lol


I am personally a fan. I want to add that our ilvl increases are going to add like 10 levels throughout the season so I think they did a pretty good job with the re-scaling. I will say that the health pools feel extremely low right now. Maybe they will double everyone’s health pools as an M+ only aura this season, it doesn’t seem like something that will resolve as we get 1.01^39 times as much hp and vers from gearing alone.

My response saying I had a 456 tank was flagged as trolling and removed


People don’t like to hear it, but heroics were peak during TBC/CATA when you actually had to CC and focus target to mitigate damage. M+ has been pretty boring even compared to those old Classic Heroics for awhile now til like +15

But why

It’s actually doable, cuz my group is 6 people and they did one without me on Tuesday, and buddy tanking was barely 450

No clue my man. All I said is I was using a 455-462 tank as he got better gear, and went from 2s to 5s. I dunno if you saw my reply before it poofed about an hour ago.

flagged as inappropriate


Me too I love this difficulty.

Def much better than having a plethora of affixes…

Moderation at its finest. We keep posts up that are harassing people but delete anecdotal comments that are relevant to the topic and completely benign. :upside_down_face:

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How dare you do things

I guess?

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I’m a little nervous to try gearing this season because of the change. I chose to roll a fresh alt to experience the season with. This post makes me feel a little easier about it, knowing that it offers a challenge but not necessarily a full barrier lol.

Yeah I would say Heroic is pretty mellow. It is possible to die in those dungeons but you won’t unless you make an actual mistake. M0 does feel a little harder than M10 did, at least in season 1, and is a pretty big jump up from heroic, but I have been healing them without more than 1-2 deaths per run (usually due to dps standing in stuff). Even then, there is no timer so it is a very good learning environment.

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