Difference between Red and Green dragons?


I feel like there’s a red-green colour blindness joke to be had here somewhere,

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But nature is life. Trees, plants, etc. are ‘living things’

Hence the distinction between Life—as the literal vitality of living things—and Nature, as the literal functioning of ecosystems.

Alexstrasza could bring a flower back to life if it withered, but she couldn’t make sure it provides proper nutrients for the local bees.


So can a skilled necromancer

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Greens ward the Emerald Dream and reds ward Azeroth.

Ohhhh so that’s their secret to constantly visiting the “Emerald Dream” :stuck_out_tongue:

Drugs are bad, mkay


Sure, but they’re not the aspects of life.

Just one time I want Blizzard not to embed meaning in the two colors I’m blind to.

They’re just going to be grey and grey as far as I’m concerned.



Not to be confused with D&D green dragons, who breathe out poisonous gas, while the black dragons are the ones whose breath attack is acid!

Green = Nature, poison, acid, dreams.

Red = Life, nature, fire, growth.

Bit different.


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They’re both about nature. Just about different sides of that.

If one overlap that still differentiates in WHERE and HOW they tend to that part of Azeroth is the only point you can find to actually try to argue, I think there’s nothing more that needs to be said.


^ dis.

If we want to be technical, every flight influences part of nature, because every flight’s primary goals and powers touch upon nature in some way. But we’re not splitting hairs or anything, right? We’re not going that far to say “well akshually”, right, Dedaru?

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Yellow = Chronomancy I guess.

Alextrasza=Life, or vitality in living things. Ysera=Life, in the greater sense of nature and Druidism. Think Mogu animancer vs Druid, one can can manipulate blood and certain life magics, but isn’t a Druid, the other is a Druid.

When I first got into the World of Warcraft. I and my friends always looked at the Dragon Aspect or thought this was the difference.

Red - Protectors of the realm of Azeroth

Green - Protectors of Nature

Black - Protectors of the Elements

Blue - Protectors of Magic

Bronze - Protectors of Time

I know things have changed quite a bit but I don’t think anyone really knows anymore BUT hopefully will get a really good understanding of their purpose on Azeroth come DF and hopefully its good :grin:

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