Difference between pvp/pve gear?

I’m super confused, Was watching a video where someone said they used conquest points, to buy pvp shoulders, but then used a catalyst to convert it to tier set piece. Does this mean it can be used for both pvp and pve? I’m not sure i understand the difference.

The main difference is that PVP gear scales up in PVP while PVE gear does not. I think there is also a small stat difference, but they are pretty close. (I could be mistaken though)

But yeah, you can use your PVP gear in PVE if you want.

“PvP gear” is effectively just PVE gear that goes up in ilev in pvp combat.

pvp gear tends to be more vers heavy and has higher ilvl in pvp than in pve.

you want to have set bonuses in both forms of content which is why both can be catalyzed

whether a pvp piece > pve piece for pve content is a sim question, but usually not

Do you mind expanding on “Scales up in pvp” means? I guess im just trying to see if i need 2 diff sets of gear for pve/pvp since pvp is my main focus of the game. I dont really know whats considered the “top end” of pvp gear.

It increases it’s ilvl. For example a 502ilvl piece of gear will scale up to 528ilvl when your are participating in PVP…which will increase all of its stats.

For example, this leather chest (look at the equip line at the bottom)

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Ok that helps a lot, so instead of taking a pve piece of gear that lets say is 493 and 4/8 upgrades or whatever it is, and taking that to whomever and using mats to upgrade it, the pvp gear or conquest gear thats converted to tier, just scales its upgrades whilst doing pvp?

Yeah, pretty much. It serves 2 functions. It somewhat normalizes ilvl in PVP, and it makes it so PVP is not the most efficient method of gearing for PVE and vice versa…while allowing both types of players to complete world content.

Ok this i can get behind, only bc i came from wrath and having 2 forms of gear was such a waste of time, need 1 set for resilience and pvp dmg reduction, and 1 for pve.

I don’t think i’ll really get into the super late game of DF right now w/ high end mythic raids/dungeons but i would like to try it out later in TWW. I just enjoy pvp the most.