I was the guildmaster and raid leader on Die In a Fire (Alliance) on thrall in the early TBC era. My wife and I transferred to Thrall from Malygos in early TBC. We joined a guild called Elysium run by a rogue called Greybamn and a priest whose name I cannot remember. We had some differences, and we started Die In a Fire. We had some real life issues around the time of SSC/TK, having to leave the game. We have kept in touch with a few of our guildmates on facebook, however some of those were lost over time. We were RaginCajun(Druid Tank) and Fancy (Dwarf Priest). Some might know Statesman (Gnome Mage). Looking for people who played with us back in the day who might be playing classic, or just wanting to re-connect. Let me know. Our days on Thrall were probably some of the most enjoyable in WoW.
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Not sure exactly how late you played into the guilds life cycle but my brother healed for the guild in wrath with people like kessari and shamabrian and after it merged with overtime.
Hi Ragin. I have the craziest story to tell you. I was just a member when you and Fancy were still active so I don’t know if you guys will remember me. DIAF never merged with Overtime. I still hold GM for the original tag on Thrall. Kessari got pissed off because officers were letting their spouses in on raids to get gear even though they were terrible so he quit. Then he spent an entire weekend poaching the best raiders. With Thrall being a Horde heavy server, we had a terrible time recruiting for our late night raids. Kessari joined Overtime and poached. We held out for as long as we could but eventually the core group was gone. I divided the g bank among those that stayed until the end. Kessari found out and trolled the hell out of DIAF. I haven’t even gotten to the crazy part… I left the server with my fury warrior main Galathea and randomly chose SteamWheedle Cartel because I liked the name. The guild I ended up joining is where I met my husband more than 10 years ago. With Shadowlands coming, we both decided to start playing again having taken a break through Covid. We have revived the original and are actively recruiting 
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Fodder here, im back playing again and was thining of putting this word out too. what server yal playing classic on. i had the idea of resstarting Die in a Fire for TBC. Would like to hook up with you guys again!
Hey guys I doubt anyone remembers me but I was “Fretta”. I was in DIAF from the start of me playing until I eventually left to join Onslaught. I am about to get back into the game and was going to try to reconnect with yall, as I owe DIAF for almost all of my good memories of wow.
I have since come to learn that I switched my character name to “Grithmyra” if anyone remembers that instead.
resurrecting an old thread to say that I was also in DIAF. Gnome Warlock named either Celwick or Dalwick back then.