Didn't notice any changes in the old Delves at all

I read there were new variations of the old Delves but I either haven’t seen them yet or that was an exaggeration. Unless those changes were just moving a candle or something a little bit, or the new whatever didn’t pop up when I did it.

Delves are still pretty much the same with a new undermine enemy tossed in, some new curios, and well not much else. I was expecting some crazy changes but it doesn’t seem like much at all changed so it’s the same thing as last time minus the 2 new Delves which were fun.

I was even expecting the entire Delve to be overrun with new Goblin enemies and maybe a new pathway or something somehow. Especially if the same thing is being reused.

I did some a few days ago that were completely different. Different objectives, goblin enemies, different bosses. The only thing the same was the physical space. Lately I’ve only been seeing the old ones. The rotation algorithm must be struggling again.

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Okay that explains it then I just caught the old rotation when I did Earthcrawl, kriegvals rest, and whatever else I tried.

Some of the existing stories have new mechanics. Off the top of my head:

  • The flamethrower scenario in Earthcrawl now has respawning eggs.
  • The scenario with the three stationary casters in Skittering Breach has eggs with large web pools that temporarily shrink if you attack them.

Also, affects more than the delves, but the NPCs with aoe casts are now very obvious, like the Skittering Menace’s fear.

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they changed some of the mechanics.
The fungal one, instead of moving and being able to attack the spores. Most spores will stand still and when you walk into them they will explode (some of them move)

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This is the most annoying thing ever. If they wanted randomized stories, at the very least you should not see the same story you just did until you cycled through all of them. I don’t think I was never able to get Dagran’s story in the candle delve. (I don’t try that one a lot, though, I hate the candle mechanic)