Didn’t play SL, what happened to Anduin?

After his fight what did he do? Was there any closure at all before DF started?

Haven’t you seen the pre- patch cinematic? Wrathion and Anduin ended up having a duel which ended with Wrathion eating Anduin alive.

Since most of the Alliance were tired of him and Stormwind suffered under his rule, most of the Alliance didn’t retaliate.

Baine was present too, and demanded to eat Anduin first, but Wrathion was really hungry that day.

After his death, Anduin was sentenced to the Maw by the new Arbiter which he now roams to this day with his new buddy Sylvanas.


there was a cinematic

He’s staying in the Maw for a while because his turn as Arthas lite made him feel like a bad person and he has to make peace with his feelings before he can come back and lead.

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Faranoth, why are you lying? None of that is what happened at all. It’s a blatant lie, slander of a most serious nature.

Anduin is getting to know Sylvanas better so they can make out and be together after she finishes her Maw quests for Ve’nari. Sylvie never got a Maw mount and does not know you can use regular mounts in the Maw, so it might take a while, especially since she gets frequently distracted by rares, events, and randomly shouting at every mob she sees that she will never serve. Which is weird, because they aren’t asking her to.

We all know this. It was in the cinematic.


Anduin feels terrible from his time as a psuedo-DK under the Jailer. He worries that part of his actions and emotions were his own, and not entirely-jailer controlled. This has led to a sort of crisis-of-faith, and self-doubt. Because of this, he has gone missing. Greymane speaks with, I believe, Matthias Shaw during a sit and listen about his whereabouts, where its mentioned that he’s been missing for the last three years (assumed) and how there have been sightings of him over time (I believe?), but nothing concrete. Because of this it could be assumed that he’s on a journey of self-discovery / extreme moping and is traveling around Azeroth searching for himself.


Most people his age just go backpacking through Europe.


So he is in the Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, Broken Isles (aside from Highmountain), The Islands where Exile’s Reach are found (not to be mistaken for the Broken Isles despite them originally being placed where Exile’s Reach was before becoming a Continent), Night Elven Forests of Kalimdor (away from Tauren & Orc Territories) or Dragon Isles?

Those are WoW Europe aren’t they?

The self-doubting hero in self-imposed exile from leadership was such a smash hit with Thrall that they decided to do it again with Anduin.

Anduin was deeply haunted by the lingering effects of Domination and the memories of the things the Jailer had made him do. He’s currently traveling around Azeroth, rumored to be lending a hand here or there, as he seeks a sense of peace.

Damn, I love Sylvanas so much. She’s the best.

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He became the savior of the universe at the same rate the Horde is being ruined beyond repair.

This implies Baine would ever make a meaningful decision.

We’re not allowed to have that. Sitting Bull is our punishment for being in the Horde.

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Baine must die. That is the only way to stop alliance bias.

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Baine must not only die. Baine’s entire existence must be pulled up by the roots, erasing him from history.

He must be retconned.

In his place, a new Tauren chieftan shall rise.

Caine Bloodhoof. Or…something.

Jokes aside, Baine is too far gone to be fixed in any way. Once again, I wish we would just do a full story reset at this point.

Support Magatha and the Grimtotem tribe instead. With them in charge the Tauen can become a force to be reconed with,

Except they ruined the Grimtotem as well.

In vanilla, they were meant to be one of the largest and most powerful tribes, and an irreplaceable component of the Tauren’s military power. It’s why they were allowed in Thunder Bluff despite having large political differences with the Bloodhoofs. Magatha was even a questgiver way back when. The relationship between the Grimtotems and the other Tauren tribes was actually kind of fascinating, and it showed how not all the tribes are on the same page when it comes to “dealing with” the Alliance.

They were doing devious stuff behind the scenes (even teaming up with the Forsaken sometimes. That went nowhere…), and we fought them on occasion, but you got the sense that they were still an important part of Tauren society that needed to be properly brought into the fold.

In short, they were supposed to be the Horde’s Dark Irons. But they never developed it past vanilla and they just became generic stupid villains.

Things can change. They are not dead yet so there is hope for good development.