Did you prepare NR gear?

You don’t need to tell people you’re chuckling about something; they probably couldn’t care less.

Edit: Not responding to anymore dumb troll bait.

Well it was nice you got to stick it too em one last time. Shame you got silenced over what sounds like nothing because I can’t remember anything you ever said that was worthy of that.

I typed more about it in other threads, such as:

You care enough that you’re here arguing with a bunch of people on the internet about a game you claim you to no longer play. So… :man_shrugging:

It needs to be confirmed for Classic but Petrified Scarab trinket from AQ should be busted for Sapphiron. 100 resistance and the aura likely won’t deplete it.

You seem to put the fact you are leaving in every thread that has nothing to do with you leaving. Fishing much?

I’m not jealous…not at all. rages quietly

Snagged a few pieces from Mara and crafting. I’m MT so it’s not as huge a deal for me.

Minions from the Barov Peasants Caller trinket apparently can soak Huhu’s sleep-inducing Wyvern Sting, making it easier to burst her down since less actual raid members will be CC’d