Did You Know... -

… -that bees and butterflies are close to dying out in the entire Western Hemisphere?

Apiaries can be very lucrative hobbies to have as well as a butterfly garden.

Soon to be extinct, though! What a shame. What a waste.

Put money in your pocket, raise bees. Any and all breeds. And butterflies.



Yes. We don’t want a world without bees and butterflies to pollinate everything. That won’t end well for us.

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No, it sure won’t. And the bees don’t mind the honey harvesting. And they’ve adapted to not massacre each other due to a difference of sub-species.

Make that :moneybag: off that :honey_pot:

And make a :butterfly: garden. Just watch out for :spider: s

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Is all the pesticides because of corn farming to feed the cows that we don’t need to be eating anymore.

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Burger King and McDonald’s is slowly headed to the bean burger.

Just need to make it dirt cheap and us peons will go back to beans and rice with hot cereal and tea.

Lesigh, but it would solve the animal protein crisis facing humanity.

Need to eat more bugs

That’s for :lizard: s, :frog: s and :spider: s to do.

Just need more beans for protein and rice/wheat for more energy.

And :fish: s

I have. Kept bees, I mean. Haven’t for several years. I had to move, so sold my hives.
Bees need just a little help, a little care, to get by.
my 2 hives became 4, and several swarms, 2 i know went to other bee keepers.
They just needed a little help.
For my trouble I got stung maybe twice a year, I got honey, gallons, and pounds of beeswax.
Seeing a hive swarm, was to see and feel an explosion of living joy. Happy bugs, sounds dumb, but it’s real, you couldn’t help but grin.

You know that most of them don’t fight anymore?

:honeybee: s. They’ve adapted due to going extinct. There’s I think 50types of :honeybee: s in the western hemisphere alone?

And don’t forget :butterfly: s. They’re dying out too.

Don’t have a yard of grass. Have a yard full of flowers!!!

Birds will come too.

Watch out for asian Murder hornets
They’re killing everything! :honeybee: s, wasps, caterpillars, butterflies, :spider: s.

Real scary situation.

SO! Tend bees. It’s simple and very rewarding. And butterflies.

Not sure what this has to do with hardware, and… i seriously don’t want to be near an bug irl… :confounded: … but i agree. Save the Bees and Butterflies. :honeybee: :butterfly:

:spider: eats the other bugs that try to eat the garden. They’re useful.

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