Did you know

tank shaman arent the only shaman spec available in the game?

seems you guys keep forgetting.

That is a very astute observation but it doesn’t really matter since 90% of the shamans you will run into are running tank runes and being boaring.

i highly doubt that.

honestly i tried tank shaman for a week or two and found it boring as crap.

i cant be the only one who felt that way .

Welp that is my experience playing the game. Most shamans I saw not running tank/ele build were either full PvE with 0 HP or masochists that still try to play enh in PvP.

I think SL warlock is the most boaring thing of all time yet plenty of people play it because it is strong.

Do ele shams even run WoE? I wanted to on mine, but it cut the range way down on lava burst and lightning to like 7 yards or so. I didn’t even bother equipping the rune.

its 10 yards on lb/cl/lvb and melee range on earth shock.

it can be kited well even with the anti kite stuff shaman has and relies on instant procs and flame shock to do most of their damage.

its not fun honestly.

sl lock is one of the only viable things that locks can run and be successful.

this isnt the case with shaman who can also go ele or resto.

edit to add: they can also go meta but it has alot of exploitable weaknesses and does less dmg and must wear tank set pieces ect ect.

Nothing is kiting a shaman with freedom+wolf sprint easily. If they don’t have wolves yes they are easy to kite for ranged and still impossible to beat for melee.

I am talking about warlock in general. Not just sod. Vanilla demo and tbc sl/sl just because something is lame doesn’t mean people aren’t gonna do it. It is the same thing with tank/ele shams atm.

but we are clearly talking about sod.

even with the shaman having sprit and wolves , keeping or getting to >10 yards is alot easier than you think.

10 yards is just out of melee range.

They are going to be the best tank next phase by far. Might as well be the only spec for them.

i disagree i love ele.

Ele is fine, but better get ready to grab a tank set for difficulty 10 4HM. U also only need 4 shaman per raid so. 2 tanks 2 ele. Other 2 ele also get tank gear for 4HM. That’s how next phase is looking.

I felt the same way but instead I quit. because I knew there was 0 chance trad enhance was ever being made viable in pvp without a mountain of alliance tears because tank shaman exists. so rather than deal with that, i just stopped playing.

It doesn’t matter when all they do is use flame shock and lavaburst. And getting to a target with a 15 second 60% sprint and a 10 second freedom is pretty easy. + the wolf stuns as well.

that may be true but getting out of 10 yards range is like 2-3 steps the opposite direction and is quite a bit easier to manage.

you arent trying to solo a tank class as a melee or what do you play? ranged hunter right? surely you could come up with better ways right?

heh look at this bum trying to pull attention away from his S keying bum dad gamer ways. Meanwhile im with my boy GSK on my dads yacht, drinking pediatlite and detoxing from a weekend with your nans.