Did you know (addons)

It’s a new bandwagon thanks to a streamer. That’s all it is.

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People are sheep. One guy with a microphone and camera tells a group to jump and they ask how high.

wiggles toes


A streamer who actually plays? Or one of the others?

Check my post history I asked for this several weeks before the asmongold video


Here is the thread where I asked for this change before asmongold ever mentioned it

It’s a good idea not a bandwagon and blizzard has done it already

It’s not a good idea. It’s never been a good idea. And your joke thread wasn’t even really taken seriously.

Posting about this now just looks like someone else grabbing the torches and pitchforks against one of the most popular parts of this game.

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A forum post = torches and pitchforks? Lol you are probably one of those “words are violence” people

Promoting the removal of addons at the same time as a streamer does line up with that sentiment.

And I don’t know what your failed snark was even supposed to mean.

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Yeah I totally get you don’t understand a lot of things. Let me guess you never check the thing that used to be an addon to see what loot drops from where…

You’re really trying to hard with these poor attempts.

Lots of things that used to be addons were made into lesser versions of said addons. People still use those addons, because Blizz poorly implements them.

And if it weren’t for addons, you wouldn’t have some of these nice QoL changes.

Something to chew on while you try to get rid of something so popular.

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Because then everyone can see how bad they are. Thats the simple answer


You just said blizzard implementation is poor, implying they should do a better job. Thanks for agreeing with me. If blizzard did a better job we wouldn’t need addons it’s really that simple

How did I agree with you when I was referencing this:

The nice thing about addons is that those who want more from their UI can have it. Those who are happy with a minimal UI can also have theirs the way they like it.

I do hope they add a dps meter in house. I think they help self improvement. That said, I don’t think the dps meters should be shared by default, but opted into.


This and I think there are other addons that should be implemented, like the one that auto sells your trash items and puts your key in the keystone automatically (because what else is going to go in there?) BBF instant sell and repair or something.

I really love CanIMogIt, it helps me know what I’ve unlocked and what I haven’t, as well as what I can’t. Something Blizz UI is lacking.

BeQuiet should be an option in settings (auto-close dialogue windows that come up when you enter zones or start fighting bosses)

Faster Loot should be implemented as well, this addon basically gets rid of the loot window and spends the computer energy just putting it into your bags already. Great to have.

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Rhi, I love watching you argue xD Doing good work!

So you (OP) are asking for the removal of addons? That’s not really necessary. One of WoW’s strengths is being moddable to a certain extent. It’s not that the game itself is bad, but just it allows players more creative freedom to customize our UI’s and gameplay in different ways.

A number of addons in the past have been baked into the game as official features. Quest markers, visible ilvl, the premade group finder, etc. But not all of them need to be permanent. DPS meters in particular can be helpful and negative depending on how they’re used.

Everyone has equal access to addons though. You don’t need to use them to play, but they’re optionally there for those who want to personalize their experience. Blizz can’t implement everything.


I don’t want them all gone. I just want a good blizzard version of the core ones that most people have and then eventually addons become a more niche thing. The auction house addons for example are OP but also irrelevant when it comes to doing content. A lot of raiders wouldn’t be as successful without dbm/bigwigs etc another example is a new player would absolutely want to know what their dps is.

A couple of addons should absolutely be baseline and toggleable from the interface settings ingame

DRtracker would benefit anyone who ever uses their stuns or fears on mobs or players and battlegroundenemies would allow everyone to see enemy team raid frames if they wanted to by checking “enable battleground raid frames” in the setting next to enable raid frames for party

And yet…

So which is it? Because now it seems like you’re backpedaling due to backlash.

I absolutely don’t. Because players are more creative and make better addons than what Blizzard adds to the game and if it becomes “niche,” then it’s less addons and less people being creative.

People still use rIO for this very reason.

While I don’t care if a DPS meter is added, I’ll still absolutely use Details over the dumbed down, nearly useless version Blizz would add. And promoting for those to be lesser or niche or non-existent isn’t a good thing to me.

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