Did you know (addons)

A couple of addons should absolutely be baseline and toggleable from the interface settings ingame

DRtracker would benefit anyone who ever uses their stuns or fears on mobs or players and battlegroundenemies would allow everyone to see enemy team raid frames if they wanted to by checking “enable battleground raid frames” in the setting next to enable raid frames for party

And yet…

So which is it? Because now it seems like you’re backpedaling due to backlash.

I absolutely don’t. Because players are more creative and make better addons than what Blizzard adds to the game and if it becomes “niche,” then it’s less addons and less people being creative.

People still use rIO for this very reason.

While I don’t care if a DPS meter is added, I’ll still absolutely use Details over the dumbed down, nearly useless version Blizz would add. And promoting for those to be lesser or niche or non-existent isn’t a good thing to me.

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Dbm needs to be core

Because people are toxic enough?

There’s a difference between addons that most players use and niche addons. Also “backlash” lol I literally sent you a thread where I had an opinion about this before asmongold. It’s also obvious which addons blizzard endorses because they are allowed to be used. I think it is really great there is an addon development community but at some point the good addons should be subsidized and adopted by blizzard, because they become a necessity to many players regardless.

They already are. And people still use the addons after Blizzard tries implementing them.

Have a good night.

We don’t need DBM or Weekauras, those can stay but the raids shouldn’t be designed with those addons on mind, a lot of addons are good because even Blizzard rely on those tools as a way to allow player agency, however there’s a lot of things that they could do as QoL from their end.

But mostly addons related to M+,Raids have a bad impact on PVE design, just for example how M+ during season 1 requires an addon for players to check % from the trash for the Prideful, Mythic + Routes and Bosses from some raids required addons because the alerts from game are really bad for the amount of things on screen like Denathrius.

I think Devs could design better fights without addons on mind, maybe easier but not the current difficulty, and player could still use addons but it won’t be so different compared to the alerts provided in game.

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Key word here is tries. I want more from blizzard :slight_smile:

AtlasLoot? I remember using that quest helper addon but it turned into such a hog. I’m glad blizzard did their own thing. I would have liked to see something like bagnon being a default thing.

As for a dps meter it would actually fit well into the game, especially considering the direction of the game. But when people are buying boosts and being carried do they really need a dps meter?

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Wow I remember atlas now I forgot the name huge wave of nostalgia just hit

Because, as useful as DPS Meters are, people are prone to reading them poorly or for crappy reasons, calling out others, etc.

I would never suggest banning the addons, they’re too important, but I don’t think we need a built-in meter.