Did You Know About The No Changes?

OP, the develops themselves are #nochanges on the things you mention.

I certainly did know about it, as I was posting on the forums for a decade about how much retail sucked. When the idea of classic servers came to the public consciousness I wised up about changing others’ game and advocated my own.

However I can certainly see there being a contingent of folks who never posted on the forums or ceased doing so for a few years, who would be unaware of the goings-on.

Oh I believe it. Even the new progression servers for EverQuest are more popular than P99. His Changes would attract several other segments of players, resulting in a far more popular title. For the same reason that retail is retail.

  • and then it would fizzle out of course


Another attention seeker posting ‘bye’, just go, no one cares.

And yes, anyone who was interested in Classic couldn’t have failed to be aware of #nochanges.

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if that is the case, why aren’t hordes of people sitting at level 60, 70, and 80 in retail playing vanilla, bc, and wrath content?

Because they’ve played through it and moved on. The term Content Locust is apt.

As someone who never played WoW ( just one very short month of retail about a year ago), I kinda wish they would keep content coming that didn’t mess with the spirit of Classic even though I’m 99% convinced nothing is coming after the currently announced phases.

As a huge fan of the older MMOs I’m hoping this huge interest in Classic shows Blizzard, or someone, that there’s still an interest in the way MMOs used to be and we’ll start seeing better MMOs that aren’t glorified mobile games. I mean even this is casual compared to some of the other ones, but it found a good balance.

TLDR I think this game probably has no long term future but I’m excited to see what it causes in the industry. Hopefully something good. I haven’t been excited about a game in a while.

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look up pantheon rise of the fallen and saga of lucimia.

Because the changes to systems and gear that have been made over the years has made doing this content, even at level, disappointingly easy.

why do people have to assume that just because we share an idea we are part of some kind of “movement”

do you apply this logic to every person you encounter irl? yeesh!

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Anyone who was paying the slightest bit of attention to what Classic is knew what Blizzard intended to do. A recreation of Vanilla WoW.

All of this has been discussed to death for years. You missed your chance to weigh in a long time ago.

i understand this. the point was that flux had said

that was the point i was driving home.


Posted 18 April 2019 (see sticky EVERYTHING WE DEFINITIVELY KNOW ABOUT CLASSIC at top of this forum):

Q: What is WoW Classic?
A: WoW Classic (Or ‘Classic’) is a (supposedly) faithful recreation of the game we all knew and loved as it existed before expansions and major Quality of Life (QOL) changes began shaping both the look and feel of the game.

Notice in the second line of the answer – “… as it existed before expansions …”

Anyone who didn’t know this failed to follow the development process and failed to read the information that was given WELL IN ADVANCE of the release.

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or failed to listen at Blizzcon 2017 when J Allen Brack, right after the intro video said classic would be an AUTHENTIC recreation of vanilla wow.
or failed to pay attention to pretty much every interview blizzard ever gave about classic wow, including those at Blizzcon 2018.


ANY Dev that had a hand in cataclysm+ I want no where near classic.


Not every interview stated the game had to be 100% no-changes. In fact, what we ended up with is not 100% no-changes either.

Yes, all of this.

The OP is somehow able to think there’s a “movement” that doesn’t have any actual people in it, apparently. People who, somehow, want Modern’s “quality of life changes” have no reason not to play Modern. If there was any significant amount of people who wanted 60-level-capped Modern, they’d be playing Modern with XP turned off.

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I saw this kind of garbage logic before classic was even released.

“Well if it’s not 100% accurate why does it even matter if we change my pet issue!”

What garbage? We were asked how we wanted Classic to look, no-changers were loud enough and that’s mostly what we got.

It was entirely possible that there could have been other changes, like using the Modern models or having a toggle for them.

How many games do you play for 60 days straight? How long do you expect a 15 year old game with finite content to last when you play all day every day? We all knew it was going to be like this and that’s perfectly fine. You can play retail if you want an endless, pointless treadmill.