Did you guys just release and design an entire PvP zone that ISN'T IN RETAIL?

Look, I get it, your job is hard yada yada. It has been been since Warlords of Draenor since you put new PvP content IN YOUR MAIN GAME in the form of Ashran. Nothing else has been done effort wise, and then you come out with this. A zone wide PvP map with rewards.

What is stopping you from designing ACTUAL CONTENT for your main game. This is even time limited, so not ever green as you professed your content would be. How can you justify this?

Do some work on your main game. You had the best opportunity with Dragonflight to make a new version of player combat, aerial combat, and just completely dropped the ball without ever trying at all. 0 effort. And then apparently all of your developer focus time is on this limited time, non retail capable zone wide PvP map.

What is stopping you from putting this SAME EFFORT into the main game, and designing something that WILL LAST? Put this same work into making something that players can use their main characters for, utilizes their character skills, abilities, and professions, and lets them dragon ride.

I cant believe this is what you guys decided to overhype. A pvp map, that we cant pvp on with our characters.


Yup. Releasing Classic was the first mistake and it just keeps getting worse.

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This was something they contracted a team to design alongside the original dev team the moment PUBG blew up if I remember the whole thing?

Not being a dev-apologist, genuinely recall.

It’s a neat little niche mode. I’ll assume it will inegrate into the game as some sort of event you can enlist your pirate fellow into battle with in Booty Bay or wherelse applicable.

I’d love to see them remaster and revive some of the hollow areas of the game already eather than drop another new chunk of potential. There’s SO MUCH out there in this game but not much incentive to explore or enjoy it. I’d love for that to exist once they finish funneling profit from hypetraining classic re-releases everyone complained about throughout their entire actual release.

There’s a lot of AI-driven and preset dev cycle for WoW. It blew up as one of the biggest games ever and they played a sneaky role letting newer games innovate systems to then add into their game later on to allow spread and resurgance. Efficient business strategy and fair for other developers and companies. With that being said there isn’t a lot of room for complaints to be recognized but I get that this puts a bad taste in a lot of devoted players mouths. It’s not my thing either regardless of how I deem it to be fairly well-done.

PVP in retail is outrageously fun; WPvP is starting to see content in every server group. Don’t be afraid of shoe-horning in something else for us, Blizzard.

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The last time retail got a ‘PvP zone’ it was Ashran.

I don’t think anybody wants that again.

Close, but it wasn’t a Blizzard idea to begin with.

The game is not new.
Plunderstorm is Spellbreak re-skinned with WoW theme.
Watch this old gameplay trailer. You can see that they are very very similar.
This video is 3 years old.

That game was crated by a studio called Proletariat which was bought by ABK prior to Dragonflight development. They shut down the project in favor of Dragonflight development efforts.

I think it’s kinda cool that they revived that project as a lot of people enjoyed the game and were looking forward to playing it. Now they can.

Ashran is fun as hell, if you know what you can do in it. I’d take another epic bg anyday over mini games within the game