So something I’ve been thinking about lately is how maybe people are more upset at the story lately because the formula that’s gotten us here since day 1 kinda broke around BFA.
Warcraft’s story, and Blizzard’s story in general across most of their games has been something like this:
Something bad happens->As a result of that bad thing, something good happens->The good thing that happened ultimately resulted in victory for the people that the bad thing initially happened to.
The Orcish Horde invaded with the help of Azeroth’s mad guardian->Stormwind Falls->Mad Guardian is revealed and killed->Alliance of Lordaeron is formed to push back the invaders, which they do, peace is achieved.
Orcs were tricked into becoming demonic Horde and do bad things-> Bad Horde ultimately defeated and finds Shamanism → New Horde is formed to defend Azeroth from the Legion.
Silvermoon falls to Undead and the Sunwell was destroyed->Silvermoon rebuilds joins the Horde-> Silvermoon and Blood Elves ultimately help stop Legion invasion and restore the Sunwell with a stronger bond to the light (TBC).
Draenei genocided on Argus/Draenor ->Flee and join Alliance on Azeroth->Ultimately help stop the Legion(TBC/Legion) with a weaker bond to the light(I kid but I had to throw this in here lol).
Death Knights raised to serve Arthas against their will->Commit atrocities for the Scourge->Turn on Arthas and are instrumental in the fall of the Lich King.
etc etc
Some of these have quicker payoffs then others, but the formula pretty much stands, but then we get to Teldrassil and the formula is being tested again, with the writers telling us to be patient and that it’s not done yet, and make no mistake it’s definitely following that story formula. I think the problem is we’re not seeing any benefit the Night Elves have gained. The formula basically states that the people who get wronged, eventually down the line get some sort of reparations, this happens in WoW much faster…usually, but it hasn’t happened with the Night Elves yet, and it’s made people antsy and it looks like all the players around the event are getting more attention then the actual victims. The bad/good thing has only really played out for a few players in the event and the Night Elves weren’t one of them.
Sylvanas Windrunner & The Horde commit genocide against the Night Elves and War breaks out between the Alliance/Horde(bad thing)->War ends and a guilty Saurfang gets his Warrior death saves the Horde and ends the War(Good thing)-> the Horde reforms, and retire the Warchief title so they’ll never be the aggressors due to a dictator again (ultimate good thing)->Sylvanas does more evil things but gets her soul back in 9.1(good thing)->She’s probably gonna help us somehow in a positive way that brings about the end of Shadowlands story(Ultimate good thing).
In there you can probably throw in “Night Elves take back Darkshore(good thing)”, but it doesn’t really balance the scale of the good thing since they lose Ashenvale/Darkshore/Teldrassil to begin with(I think the writers realized that when they decided to add more story elements with Tyrande in the Shadowlands). We could use the Night Warrior as the other good thing, but again, this doesn’t balance the scale, ultimately the Night Warrior didn’t save everyone’s souls during Shadowlands, doesn’t achieve vengeance, and now it’s gone without doing much, so again the scale is struggling to balance itself. Now Tyrande is talking about choosing renewal, so we’ll have to see if the renewal will ultimately bring about some big grand change that’s a net positive for them that made their being victims of genocide all worth it. The writers keep insisting that the story isn’t done yet, so I guess we’ll see.