<Did We Log>9/9M; LF Warlock and Preservation for 10.2 {W/Th}

lfm! shadow priests and boomkins!

opening recruitment for the new tier :slight_smile:

we’re clearing 3/10m next week, come raid with us!

Recruitment wise:
Tank spot is locked down for now (could still use a dps/tank hybrid player to have an extra tank just in case).

Healerwise, we could still use a healer or two. Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Resto Shaman are still probably at the top of our priority list. For now, it looks like we will need 2 more main healer players, and a player or two who play both dps and heals.

DPS-wise, we are missing buffs still. I’d like to recruit 2 Warriors, 1 DH, 2 Mages, 1 Warlock, 1 Monk (either dps or heals), and 1 Priest (either dps or heals).

We are still actively raiding, Tuesdays first 3 bosses on Mythic. If you are interested in joining please let us know!


We will be doing the first 3 on mythic tomorrow night at 6pm CST.
If you are interested in tagging along, please let me know.

Still looking for a few more players to fill our roster for 9.2!

Please add me on bnet if interested! Pleb#11142

We got a date! LET’S ROCK!

Recruiting for 9.2!

Clearing the first 3 on mythic tomorrow night. If you would be interested in raiding with us in 9.2, please let me know. Pleb#11142

Bumping for 9.2

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Still looking for a couple players to fill out roster for 9.2!

Ya’ll Full on Beast Mastery Hunters? :smiley:

still looking for dps!

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lf more dps for mythic! just got 3/11m :slight_smile:

Still looking to add DPS to our mythic team

lf dps or maybe a healer :}

LF DPS and Heals!!

Looking for a tank, BRM pref, and RDPS 39% P3 Halondrus

We are still looking for more DPS!!! :}

DPS come apply!!