<Did We Log>9/9M; LF Warlock and Preservation for 10.2 {W/Th}

Resto shaman here interested - Cutting Edge Exp Legion returning player 5 weeks back - geared my shaman pugged aotc within 10 days bod and cos (zzzzz)… just got 3/9M exp in a run
did 7/9 heroic at 380 ilvl when i logged back into wow first week back then cleared i think week 2 (hard to get into pugs tbh at the time)
logs are pug runs


Opening recruitment to most DPS classes! We’d love for warlocks especially to join us, so add me!!! jmo#11508

come join us for our Mythic Ashvane kill! we need most 3/8m dps classes

there is a big opening for a disc priest to come trial for us, so add me!! jmo#11508 lets talk

still looking for more! Full clearing Heroic on Tuesday, so come collect some logs with our guild!!!

gonna be full clearing heroic tonight, come join us!!

lf heals, come join!

lets get a skilled healer in here!

come kill stuff with us tonight! First official raid night since our time off!

come join us next week for another easy 3/8m farm

our roster is filling up! we mostly need DPS, with a preference for Ele shaman, boomkins, and spriests

still lf one more healer, prefer disc priest, and a few more dps! On the soccer boss now

looking for a disc priest still!!! An Ele shaman would be cool too :slight_smile:

dps and heals welcome to farm heroic with us tonight!

Healers come clear Heroic with us next raid lockout!

Are you guys still looking for a resto sham?

still looking for fill some spots!! especially looking for one more healer :slight_smile:

lf fire mages! lets goooooo

lfm dps come kill xanesh with us!

looking to trial more players tonight!