Did they reuse the Winter Queen's model for Vyranoth?

The discords I’m in are discussing this right now. They look creepily similar and even have similar voices.

Was anyone else weirded out by this in the trailer?


I did notice that and they probably took inspiration from the winter queen’s form with the ice. The eyes are def diff along with some of the facial structure but I wouldn’t put it past them to reuse assets in a way to create new ones.

I wasn’t weirded out but I did think of it when I first saw the top picture.

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All three of the bad guys are recycled assets.

I feel like there’s an even more similar Maldraxxus npc but can’t think of it.

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I was only weirded out cause the Winter Queen is so new - she’s even been in Dragonflight lol.

And for the record to other posters, this isn’t a complaint, merely an observance.


All good and yeah it is rather newer but hey… some of their toys still operate off invisible rabbits etc so I guess if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Although I would LOVE the bottom one as my visage form for my dracthyr.

This does have me wondering…

I’ve been looking at the code for each character. They are not far off in some ways. Even their sound files are the same… sort of. The difference between a particular sound file id is less than nine digits.

I think I’ll keep researching this one. Even if I’m wrong, it will help me with my coding!

Happy Questing, Everyone!