Did they put too much Stamina on max level PvP gear?

Healers are not immortal though. Have you tried pressing your buttons? :dracthyr_tea:

Hear hear! I think Vanilla’s PvP gear point was indeed high Stamina and not as much dps.

Press buttons? Gee dad I hadn’t thought of that! Maybe tomorrow you can teach me about Quantum Physics.

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Self healing is out of control so far, but don’t worry they took it away from DK’s.

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With the one shots I’ve seen, I don’t know if +40% was enough.

This is all complete bs rhetoric.
Versa is factually the best pvp stat.
Tier sets only overcome it if the bonus they provide overtakes the versa.
Vers gives both dmg/healing output AND incoming dmg reduction.
It’s a 2 fold stat.
You do more dmg and take less.
You heal more and take less dmg.
It’s simple math my guy.
If vsa was not the best stat for pvp, then all the glads would be wearing full mythic raid gear.
They do not.

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Look up Prot Warrior - Mastery, what it does.
90% of what is posted revolves around this build.

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Actually it’s common sense and facts

It’s not and it’s NOT a PvP stat. They really need to get rid of Versa and bring back a PvP stat.


Yea everyone knows this. Doesn’t mean you want to stack it and ruin your build.

No that isn’t how mechanics work. Otherwise it would also be a good stat in PvE.

Wrong you can heal more by dropping Versa because it’s only a bonus stat to amplify a good build.

I know I love math and why Versa stacked is factually a bad stat. It’s in the way of making S tier builds. PvP gear in DF is outdated and doesn’t work with the new design direction as stated. We make need Crit/Haste/Mastery to choose talents and build options. If we can’t get these stats our talent choices and builds become limited.

Really hope we get rid of Versa in the near future and they can bring PvP gear upto date with the new design and Talent trees.

It’s not but we don’t have options at the PvP vendor do we. I’d love if they brought back all the PvP gear they removed from BFA. Most of us would prefer to use some Crit/Mastery or Crit/Haste gear. Which is why when we had options in BFA many of us ran all different stats and stat amps. In BFA many S tier specs ran hardly any Versa when we had choices.

PvP gear is bad and there is just too much Versa on it. You can’t make a good build if Versa is in the way. That’s just how it is :slight_smile:


Versa isn’t going to help against 1 shots. It never will because it doesn’t function like that. The more Versa people get the more damage you will take as it amplifies builds.

We need a true PvP stat again that isn’t part of spell modifiers that only works on mitigation like Resil did. The answer to balancing PvP is a PvP stat. Until then PvP will never be balanced.

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You keep saying “that’s how it is”
Math supports versa being the best stat for pvp.
The reason it’s on all the top glad players is because it performs better in pvp than the pve gear.
You are seriously braindead.

There isn’t other options. I just told you in BFA everyone ran different stats because we had choices. There was Crit/Haste and Hast/Mastery PvP gear. It should of never been removed. Versa isn’t a good stat to stack because you can’t make S tier builds with it. (not sure how else I can say it till this registers.)

If they brought back all the PvP gear they removed we would see more players using different stats. Especially with the return of Talent trees where other stats now have much higher stat weights. (not sure how this doesn’t make sense from a math standpoint)

Again in BFA S tier builds ran Haste amps, Mastery amps and Crit amps instead of Versa! If Versa was such a good stat then why did they do that? Oh that’s right it’s because it was better for that build and spec.

The current PvP gear is outdated and wrong for the new design. We need a PvP stat and it needs to NOT be in the way of making builds. Versa is IN THE WAY! Until then we are going to have to use Tier sets to drop the excessive, useless Versa that is on gear so we can play the game and make a build that is better for PvP.

You just don’t understand mechanics or class design and how that applies to required stats to have a functional S tier build. Ideally most of us want to get rid of 2-3k Versa to play something better and open up talent choices.


Idk Ele can hit multiple 60k lava bursts off of one cast.

Damge doesnt happen in a vacuum where youre just standing still hitting eachother until one drops though.

Cc exists. Conditions for damage exist. Counterplay in its much diluted form still exists.

Sustian damage lets micro counterplay shine. Where burst focuses more on reaction and trading.

Its not strict ofc.


Yes they did. They totally screwed up pvp again.

Its not even close to being right

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Shhh…don’t say that too loud.

if you take away healing, then the class with the lowest time to kill wins, rot classes lose. self healing and sustain models ensure that burst must be used correctly, the player must learn and be disciplined to wait for the right moment.

Not true again damage isnt happening in a vacuum where its just a brawl.

This isnt two warriors giing toe to toe.

Rot can beat a faster ttk when the high ttk cant touch the rot for example. Pvp is class vs class vs environment (positioning) vs teammates & player error. Among other things.

Its not black and white.


apply that to 1v1 over a flag.

Sure. What two classes are fighting, & is it wsg style or arathi

if there is no self healing, say rogue vs warlock, arathi

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