Did they make changes to how macros work or did they change the DK's Rune Strike?

I have several macros set up on my DK to use Rune Strike when it procs. Since the start of the Cata Classic Pre Expac patch, my Macros are broken and try to use Rune Strike even when its not ready.

#showtooltip Obliterate
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Obliterate

If I remove the /cast Rune Strike, the macro works fine.

According to WoWhead they both trigger the GCD and abilities that trigger the gcd cannot be macro’d together and function properly.


Thanks, so now I have to undo all my macros. lol

And unfortunately for you it’s not a bug. According to wowpedia this was intentionally changed in the first patch of Cata. No longer “on next swing” and incurs GCD