Did they just totally give up on PVP?

I just sat at my computer playing the game healing random dungeons while sitting in stormwind.

makes sure you pick TBC dungeons because they are fast as hell.

Still takes me like 2 days to go 10-60…

Well it’s not odd for me to play WoW for 12-15 hours straight.

Ah, see I take care of mother so I spend 1-2 hours playing, and 30-45 minutes afk

PvP Templates and The Great Pruning were the beginning of the end. Oh, let’s don’t forget about gated gear upgrades. That was just plain stupid.

Yeah if you have more important things to do other then play a video game i get why it would take longer.

This assumes some level of BFA play so you can skip the BFA campaign and that you’ve finished the DF campaign so WQ’s are unlocked. It’s quicker on horde, but basically you use the draught of ten lands from 1-49 for +10%. The darkmoon faire buff if that’s up for +10%. Warmode for + 10% (turn it off in mount/rare farming zones). An allied race to skip 1-10.

You have heirloom gear up to 34 or 39 (after that it doesn’t matter since so much gear drops) - esp the weapon and the Dragonflight trinket (upgrade that). It no longer affects xp but the stats are much better than any gear youll get. Rested xp is good. If you’re a hunter q for pvp you’ll win at less than 30 hunter blows up everything else.

Horde starting zones are more dense, but if you’re alliance same thing. Go to chromie, turn on chromie time pick any zone, I’d recommend Legion but don’t go there yet. Go through a dense faction starting zone. Q for dungeons while doing this. Around 25-30 or so, go to legion dalaran, get a hearthstone (this is helpful) get the azsuna breadcrumb and do azsuna. You can continue there if you want. Or go back to og/sw and switch chromie time to Draenor. DO NOT SKIP THE INTRO. It’s the quickest and most xp in the game. Do Draenor until you ding while q’ing for dungeons and after 30 pvp. You’ll get the garrison hearthstone toy after a brief intro chain.

At 50-60, check if any Legion Invasions are up in the Broken Isles. If there are any go do them. They’re the most xp at these levels. And you got that dalaran hearthstone so it shouldn’t be hard getting there.

At 60 or 61 go back to capital get df breadcrumb. Youll be undergeared. If it’s timewalking, do timewalking, you can probably ding in 1-3 hours if you know the dungeons and get a good group while questing and campaign quests/wq’s density.

Otherwise, do the waking shores quests, all of them except resource/craft. If they’re too hard, or you die, get a ride to valdrakken, set your hearth there. Buy gear off the AH or have it sent. Do some wq’s for the remainder. You should be 260ilvl or so after that. Skip the Sendrax quests.

Get the campaign quests from alexstraza, the one nearby will be dense. Do that chain. If timewalking is up, do timewalking until you hit 70 - it’ll take 1-3 hours.

From 60-70 if you get ganked, turn off wm. It’ll take longer but if there’s someone griefing spawns it’s not worth it.

There’s some extremely nice alternate leveling journeys I can recommend but almost all of them wind up with you in Draenor for 50+. Uldum for instance if you set to cata timewalking is a great zone and you can do about 1-50s or so there.

It will never happen but not only should they give up on pvp, it should be taken out of the game entirely. After trying to turn it into an esport it has been nothing but a detriment to the game. PvP and mmorpgs don’t mix and that is why pvp is an unbalanced mess in any game in this genre that tries to do it.

Yeah I’m not going to read an entire guide just to save myself 12 hours of leveling.

blizz would lose lots of money bc of the AWC

I think they just gave up. They created the tiered talent system of the last few xpacs so they cloud get as close to balance as they could. And from what I understand they didn’t do too bad at it.

But people hated it. They demanded the old style trees back. The old style trees have too much variation, they can not be balanced. They can tweak them for a thousand years and never achieve it. So why honestly try? Just throw out a tweak here and there to make it look good. And when balance is impossible, why bother with all that other stuff?

They sacrificed PvP ever being balanced to satisfy the demands of the wider audience.

PvP is the only reason i play MMO’s lol.


Except that Hunters were always nuts in bgs.

Fair. We do need new bgs.

Matches are made immediately. If people don’t take the pop then the match is formed regardless.

Hard and stressful. Most healers have players to play with.

Mostly just healers being nerfed in shuffle.

This probably explains why it takes you 3 days :rofl:

Yeah. The old WoW team has a long history of pretty balanced PVP. Without a handful of specs dominating it.

But you must realize that people like yourself whose main activity on an mmo is pvp is a fraction of the total playerbase. It’s a niche side distraction that most players only occasionally dabble in. It’s more time and trouble than it’s worth trying to maintain it.

Nope. It’s the only thing worth playing and they should focus more on it.

Expecting them to spend more time on it is about as realistic as me requesting its entire removal. It’ll continue to exist in its half neglected state just as it has for the past nearly 20 years. There is no incentive for them to do anything to change it or try to make it better.

This makes no sense?

Good points, but the snark at the end might discourage a response and changes the tone of the post from constructive to less-constructive.