Did they fix Codex of Chromie?

I do not want to spend forever in que just to get dc’d and group kicked when loading in or continue to play instance to get dc’d and reset half way through. I see no comments anywhere on it.

Chromie is a mess. Two weeks ago she sent me to the Flintstones.

They had no idea how to handle me.


This is the hotfix that was posted. I don’t know anything about disconnects, though, sorry. Did you check Bug Reports? Just in case. Also, I always suggest exiting the game and deleting the cache folder. It oftentimes fixes the oddest things you don’t think it would fix. Not saying it’ll fix this, but worth a shot!

It was unplayable last night. It was doing it to everyone. EVeryone in my two groups were dc’d and kicked from the group. chat was all invite requests. then it happened twice while trying to continue it and progress reset.


Ah… so that’s why no one I knew ran it. LOL

Well that sucks! I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know if it’s fixed yet.

I hope so. That’s one heck of a mess.

I would love to see what it is about, hey I may never do it again after that, but I like to try all content if i can.

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So this is a YOU problem because I did it just fine last night about 2 hours after server launch.

It was not just me Codex of Chromie

Just an example. But again must me a problem because it happened to everyone in my two groups. Sorry everyone I will stay out of groups so they can play.


Did it successfully this morning before resets.

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No it wasn’t just you. I chatted with some people who had the same issues yesterday. But they haven’t tried today.


I have yet to even have a que pop at all. It just sits there. It seems when I que for it and also the timewalking, neither pop.

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Cant say if its fixed or not, just that it doesnt always break. The first time i tried it yesterday, it dc’d at the final part and everyone in the run got booted. The second time i tried it yesterday, it completed just fine…

yea, I got DCed on the final part too… I tried to requeue for it afterwards but it gave me an estimated 77 minute queue time… gave up and went to sleep

Definitely not a them problem. Happened to me also. Entire raid dcd about 3 min in and we logged back in and we were at the start again. Thought it was a one off til it happened again so i left it for now lol

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