Did they even mention STARCraft?


When is STARCRAFT getting an update hello???

i’ve got some bad news for you.

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You can ask in the Starcraft Forums, but the game is dead like HotS.

Starcraft is pretty much dead at this point.

Blizz stated that after SC2 they would discontinue making future SC projects. Apart from the Nova thing and the remaster, it seems that there will never be a Starcraft 3.

Its not “dead”. Its done. There is a difference. A dead game wouldnt still have 10s of thousands of players.

That is what they said about Half-Life 3 and we sure showed them!

No they certainly did not. In the very same message in which they announced they wouldn’t be making any more paid content for SC2 they also said they would be looking forward to what comes next in the universe.

Will we see this happen in the near future? Probably not. But it seems silly for a company to ever say “ok, after we finish this game, the IP is functionally dead.”

Dunno if you’ve seen the gaming landscape in the past decade… RTS games are dead in the water… any attempt to release any original new title and even new titles in a well established series (i.e. command and conquer) launched dead on arrival and were financial flops for their respective developers. So Blizzard can see the writing on the wall and know RTS games are not worth the risk atm in today’s gaming landscape that’s dominated by RPGs, Puzzles, and Shooters.

Why do people keep coming to the WoW general forums to complain about stuff from completely different games, when they have their own forums?

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I vaguely remember that someone from a youtube video chronicling starcraft’s history said that blizzard made that statement.

Well that is DUMB STARCRAFT is the only game they have that they haven’t totally made dumb. Well that protoss expansion for SC2 was dumb but otherwise it was a lot of fun.

What a shame all they can do is keep WOW on life support by hyping up these bad expansions. Also TBC is dumb we already had TBC why do we need that again?

Very sad the new management at BLIZ is just trying to squeeze what they can out of the things their predecessors built.

Starcraft III in the works? They did say they are working on more stuff that they aren’t ready to reveal yet.

Well then it’s not true. Or, at the very least, it was made by people who no longer work at the company (virtually nobody who made SC2, Dustin Browder included, are not even at Blizzard anymore).

The last word they said on the matter was that the IP would continue. I don’t have a lot of faith that they’ll be able to follow through on that, at least in the near future, but it seems incredibly stupid for any company to slam the door shut on an IP that still sees moderate levels of community activity.

I can link that message if you want, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find otherwise. It’s the very last community update they made on SC2.

I think they’re hoping we forget about it.

They should all go work for Starcraft Marine (the boat company) and make a new Starcraft game and if BLIZ tries to interfere well the Starcraft boats have been around decades longer than BLIZ so they should be able to use their own trademarks and release a first person shooter adventure called Starcraft Marine, since that is literally their company name hello??? Would be a great idea!!!

That’d be good for some memes, but I’ll focus my attention on whatever game(s) Frost Giant ends up putting out.

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They never said this.

In fact their latest financial call says they will be utilizing all of their IPs in the future across multiple platforms.

Uh Diablo… hello!!!