Did they change the AH on purpose? Is this their intention?

Apologizes if there are ten thousand other posts about this, I just couldn’t find anything official. Was it their intention to make it so you’re only able to post something every 8-10 seconds? My auctionator is sooooo slow when trying to search or sell anything.

think the AH is just overworked right now. earlier today when there was no queue to get in the game, AH searches / posts were instant

Mine have been awful 24/7 since prepatch. Even at 6am on Aetish

I believe they made a change to rate limit people using addons as an attempt to make it faster for people who aren’t using auction addons.

The result is complete garbage. They’ve screwed over anyone who isn’t a botter in an attempt to stop the botters…

I’m not sitting there scanning the AH all day every day sniping auctions… why the hell are you punishing us because your in-game auction interface blows chunks? Who ever made this new rule should go into politics because they’d fit right in… screw everyone because of a few, this is the way.

Still no better :frowning:

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