Did they change how the talent reckless abandon works?

isn’t it suppose to give you blood bath / crushing blow after every rampage?

Yes it got changed. It now only gives you those spells during Recklessness. During Recklessness both Bloodthirst and Raging Blow become Blood bath and Crushing Blow respectively without using Rampage. Bloodbath also becomes a stacking dot that stacks with each application.

In other words, they made it kinda pointless. Dot doesn’t do much damage, and worse, it doesn’t even hit their goal in making Recklessness feel impactful.

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well bloodbath comes with a dot, its still the old bloodbath that hits harder than bloodthirst in direct dmg as well. id say it does enough to make recklessness feel like more of an offensive CD, i think personally whats missing is they need to unnerf unbridled ferocity so its worth taking again for free reck procs and make swift strikes a 1 point talent.

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