Did the token restriction go in today?

I was able to buy a token just now does that mean that I’m ok?

Has anyone been stopped from buying one today?

Yes it went into effect today and most people won’t be affected by it.

It’s only for people that never put a real money sub on their account since the token went in and some accounts may have been grandfathered in due to time subbed/played? It was just get try and catch throwaway new accounts.

The nice thing is that they just keep dropping. 70k so far in a single day – aw yiss.

o/`` How low can ya go? o/`

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might be a way to stop the bots which is good

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I don’t think that will work, since it’s a problem that existed before the token. But it is what it is. I feel like hiring GMs and taking away automated stuff would help more. :woman_shrugging:

if its throw away accounts or new accounts they would not get a token but must pay $15

Right, and for a lot of them, they make so much that they would just pay that one time fee and keep going. There was a video out of gold sellers and bot runners where they said they’ve made so much money off of WoW. And make more now than ever.

I have to laugh, I was concerned that I had only made ONE - literally one game time purchase since 2015, and that was in 2018. So, thanks to this post, off to the AH I go, to check.

Prices are low atm, so I snagged a token, then I go to buy another and - “you have too many of those” :rofl: So I have to either turn into Bnet balance or sub for another month!

Perhaps, but I’m thinking a 4th quarter minor cash grab is more likely. The whole thing reeks of spreadsheet Q4 to me.

The 2017 date is so long ago, and 2 years after the token came out for some odd reason. I’m probably wrong, but this new arbitrary rule doesn’t make much sense.


I wonder if it counts buying expansions with real money. I haven’t spent real money on the sub since the token came out, but I have bought a few of the expansions with real money.

pretty sure they specifically specified you HAVE to have purchased GAME TIME with either a prepaid game time card or credit/debit card with the cutoff being 2017.

The expansions come with game time? I was able to buy a token today so either that counts or they haven’t put the restrictions in.

only if you buy the epic editions they do.

This is the part that I believe you’re referring to.

uhm yeah thats what i was referring to.

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I’m guessing people were stocking up in the last few days because right now the gold price for the token on retail is dropping like a stone, presumably due to low demand from those with gold.

It is now at 261k and falling fast, but it was at 347k at 8:00am PST this morning.

/moo :cow:

My understanding is that the price is lowering due to an abundance of tokens on the market versus the people buying them with gold. Supply high/demand low. :person_shrugging:

Other options count, such as buying expansions and bundles. Confirmed in CS and GM tickets.