Did the night elves even go to Quel'thalas?



Please check the completion quest text. He´s very much from Ironforge as far as the words on the quest are concerned.

Two things:

  1. Not Thrall´s words… the Human spy at Jaina´s service words -go back and check… heñs the one that says 2 night s ago and then Thrall is like "uhhh… so that wasn´t an Infernal?!? :scream:)

  2. The Belves and the Horde had been in conversation a whole year BEFORE TBC launches… meaning that yes, they did have adtvantage as far as time is concerned. Also, for Velen to reach Azeroth, he first had to steal the Exodar from Kael´s Sunfury (remember that lore bit about the Exodar just being another satellital component of Tempest Keep?)

Which means the Nelves spied BEFORE two days happened, ergo… you guys can´t say the Nelves spied BEFORE the Belves joined the Horde, right? Then what was the reason for the Nelf spying, then?

Remember that this whole debate started becasue I “dared” to point canon lore sources that contradicted the nice headcanon people were using about "Nelves being 200% in the right in Ghostlands cause OBVIOUSLY Draenei questing happens first!!.. which your own analysis doesn´t even support in the first place.


They do explain the starting zone experience (night elves and blood elves potential interactions), but not what happened after, which might be the thing if the dev resources were indeed cut post vanilla launch.

I do not think they could start before Naxx time. A year before TBC would be before Onyxia / Rend / Motlen Core events.

There is some room in year 25 between Naxx and Hellfire Peninsula stuff / Exodar crash. Window is likely not too big, but blizz is cagey with the details.

gl hf

Ariel, for the love of god, either read what you’re replying to or stop acting like I’m not going to call it out when you leave out context.

Italics: What you quoted
Bolded: What you either missed or intentionally omitted.

But since you wouldn’t just take that bolded part and leave it at that, you are aware that this thread inspired another that you commented on, saying this:

After which you were corrected with this:

Can you explain to me how your standard between these two matters is consistent? Do you accept that ridiculous canon is canon, or do you reserve the right to contest it? If the latter, why would you contest that and not this?

Uhm…who want’s to tell him?


don’t care what it says, it can be wrong all it wants.

Are you saying that America has secret army bases in Russian territory and they kill any Russian they see? I think we’d be in nuclear winter if that was real

Anyone in the world knows that California is part of the USA. the night elves invaded territory that they knew (that’s why they went there in the first place to spy on the kingdom of quelthalas in their own territory we even see that there are agents in eversong) that it was territory of quelthalas

Not an army but a small operative special force groups. There are tons of movies where CIA agents do secret operations in Russian, and kills every soldier who tries to stop them.
Also they have secret flats/bases everywhere in the world, where agents can hide.

and aliens and zombies destroy the world every week in all kinds of movies and series

Well … how long did it take for the coronavirus? Three months?
Wow. The translator has a link to news on coronavirus.

Tell that to India, Nepal or Afghanistan lol. Or Tajikistan, Tibet, or all the South Pacific US bases like in Okinawa or the Phillipines.


bases that were made through treaties between sovereign states, not secret bases where everyone who comes near is killed

Quite a few of my examples are not bases made through treaties. Obviously not the US ones, but it’s not like the US doesn’t have spies all over Europe and Russia.

Do you think America has secret armed bases in China killing Chinese?



I want you to understand the difference between a spy and an invading army that has several armed bases. one of the quests is literally called “occupied territory”

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You asked a question, I answered it. Im not discussing what happened in tbc.

They and the inner circle of the Alliance were probably awrare that the process was umderway. Adding a new member to a faction isn’t something done on a snapshot…it’s a process.

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So do you think that China has several bases with armed soldiers in America and they are killing American citizens?

The complete quest zone was made to make Blood Elves go Horde, not saying its a had thing or wanna rant but the only reason Kaldorei were there was ‘Go Horde’ So I wouldn’t be surprised if they retconned the Night Elves being there and merely said the Forsaken helped them push the scourge back.