Did the forums reset?

Only problem i see is folks calling it " trust level 1, 2 or 3" when its not called that, so folks are confused. I rem a post months back, i had the same question because it never said a level for me, just “regular.”

Why is it so hard to state it as it appears?


Yeah kitty is Poly

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Bad typing while trying to do other things. I’ll fix it.

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So members cant post videos. Got it.

Or at least pictures… I can’t even do that #sniff
OMG you can’t even ` your URL’s anymore… Not even at level 2
https ://imgur.com/lONesSV

Because that’s how it originally was.


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There are TL2 people in here posting videos.

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I have the same problem sometimes. :smile:

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When they first migrated the forums to this discourse software/format their own pinned messages explaining what we could post used “trust level 1, 2, 3” terminology not “basic, member, regular” so that’s why people have always used the numbers.


The single intern they put in charge of Blizzard forums is having a reallly rough week. Poor dude.

What if the intern is a type 2 and not a 1?
Poor 2 or 1 right?

Their trust level is pure garbage. I mean it’s blizzard what better to expect

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I do miss the old forums before they started using Discourse software.

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I posted a video but when I went to type it gave the error.

So can post a video but can’t add a comment


I miss old everything in general. People say things are changing for the better, and I ask my self how can this be better?

1-10 things gets improvement anywhere not just
In games, the rest is a unnecessary change



Blizzard’s motto:

“If it ain’t broke hold my :beer:


Body type 3.14159265359 aka “dude”

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