Did the forums reset?

Cant post videos anymore.
What happened?

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did you lose tl3 for some reason?

Apparently only Trust Level 3 can now post videos. Everyone else is now a sad panda.


Idk why they did that. Reporting bugs is gonna be very difficult for some folks now unless they use the ` format thing of putting that at the start and end of a link.

wowhead.com for example.


I dunno what happened? Maybe or maybe not.
I dont even know what trust level I was. Never paid attention to it.
I was able to post video’s and now cant.

Gimme a sec and let me see if I can hunt down the thread that was talking about it.

There were definitely some changes. The whole notification system. Now it looks like sites that were pre approved for TL2 to post are no longer allowed


Found the thread!


if people can’t link urls, they usually just leave spaces in it.

there’s also the option of using the ingame report.


I know if I was posting a bug report, I would want to try and do as many avenues as possible in an easy to view way but you’re right too.

It’s just… frustrating for folk.

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i go away for a few days, and everything changes. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
even the colour of the notification icon looks weird.

did we get some form of account-wide ignore while they were tweaking stuff?
(a bunny can dream)

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tried logging out and its still the same

Look at your profile. What’s your trust level?


Some folks used youtube videos for expressing themselves, or for music. (If you know those folks, you know them. If not, no worries. They just need a voice too, so Imma do it without naming names.)

I feel bad for those folks. They have their ways of doing things on the forums and now it’s taken away. That bugs me.

…Not to mention everyone should be able to post cat gifs.

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What’s your trust level?

Trust Level

Okies, so TL2 can post them. Just not TL1.

Basic > Member > Regular

Unless something is broken and there are TL2 people who can’t. Then the system is just borked.

There are people that are 2 that can’t I believe.


(edit, kitty has weird paws… is he polydactyly or whatever it’s called?) :astonished: