I started as Alliance and then went Horde for a time before going back to Alliance to be with RL friends, but my heart was always with the Horde. When I got the chance, I went back to the Horde and I will always be Horde.
However, I still have those Alliance characters when I want to experience that side of the story.
Oh, and just because I post on a Blood Elf (my main) doesn’t mean I am not dissatisfied with the story. I absolutely loathe it. I’ve made that known a number of times on this forum. And I, too, have characters who are Trolls, a Tauren, a Goblin, and a Mag’har.
Saurfang’s story in particular changed me from a die hard Horde, to someone who’s characters just happen to be Horde races and there’s nothing I can do about it because I still refuse to go Alliance.
LMAO This is legendary right here. This almost totally sums up why Nathanos SUCKS. I was staring’ at this post for days behind bars (Got suspended for “trolling”. What? But I’m Darkspear bro?!) wanting to praise it.
Naw, I’m more upset that yet another Horde character is being set up to be a raid boss (and has been for years). I loathe the evil horde storyline that the dev team has been ramming down our throats for the past several expansions.
To put it more bluntly: I’m more upset that Sylvanas has been put into the position of needing to receive a comeuppance than hoping she gets away with murder.
No, Alliance for Life here; but the expansion did push me to level a Horde to max just to see how (or even if) Sylvanus justified burning Teldrassil, and to see how the Horde is supporting her in the war against the Alliance.
That being said, I can’t bring myself to turn on WM while on my Horde. I have WM active on almost all my Alliance toon all the time, but I just can’t attack my fellow Alliance players.
I’ve always been an Alliance main, and I always will be. I have Horde toons and I’ve been desperately trying to motivate myself level one up to see their side of the story, but I can’t. The Horde basically fills the roll of an aggressive Third Party Threat (such as the Scourge and Legion) except it has (seemingly unwillingly for most) dragged players along for the ride.
A lot of people throw Stormheim around like it’s some massive new thing in the WoW universe when in reality the Horde does something like it at least once an expansion. For me, it was refreshing to see the Alliance not lay down like a doormat and wait for the Horde (Sylvanas specifically) to do whatever laughably evil thing she happened to have in mind for the week. I love the fact that I can go back and visit the wreckage of the Forsaken Fleet, at the cost of one Airship. The Alliance had never had an in game victory of that scale in WoW before, and I was never happier to be team blue.
The Horde now, with the story path it has been on since MoP, is little more than a playable NPC faction designed for the sole purpose of being an agitator and instigator of conflict to the Alliance. Their reasoning for almost every single one of their actions is laughable at best, and detrimental to the health of the story at worst.
The Alliance story is trying to survive in a hostile world, while the Horde story is them fumbling around, trying to kill everyone and everything but still trying to come out looking like a victim.
Main came about because Blood Elves were my favorite race and I like to have a general backstory for characters that makes race changing hard, so no. Between the way things have gone so far though, and how big a lol fail Fallout 76 is/was, I ended up going back to play a Nuka Raider play through of Fallout 4 more than WoW the last couple months.
Honestly there are times it feels like the high point of this expansion was the release of the Jaina Warbringer.