Did someone data mine alliance Shaman?

Hmmmm, very…very interesting.

To bad it’s 3 phases to late in my opinion. If they were gonna release it should have been with MC. Or if they wanted to release it after the initial classic content they need to confirm they will keep adding content beyond Scarlett raid.

They have already said SOD will continue on… they just havent confirmed that new content is coming past Scarlett raid.

I hope its true though… can’t wait to sh1t on alliance shamans. =)


Blizzard out here doing anything else but nerfing their two Dev classes lol.

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it should be a thing since P1 of SoD

too late for me, i will play TBC and be done with WoW for 10years minimum

Im happy if its true… its not like SOD is ending. =)

I just want to see how alliance will play with shamans. lol

Undead paladins when?

does this mean that those who roll alliance shaman will suddenly see that shaman arent op (except for tank shaman vs melee)?

would be rather funny.

As a non DEV class this game’s PVP just became objectively worse lmao.

If the developers could figure out how to make Paladins and Shamans not one shot players before effectively doubling their player base would be nice.

At least every non Shaman / Paladin can experience a different flavor of being one shot.

Yes, I did!

The other really interesting one was a new version of Gregory nobody has found yet. Last quote he said is he was going to Loerdaeron to help those that wish to return to the light. Probably inside the Scarlet Raid. Datamining stuff ending up being in a future phase is common

Also Archmage Kir-Moldir (Night elf mage in naxx) has a new version added that is a demon. Wondering if he’s a Scarlet Crusade boss

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wait so undead paladins?! So stoked

As much as I want this, the Alliance members of the Secrets discord seemed to tell me Gregory is more of a DK than a Pally now, so I’m unsure he’d be related to actually training us now.

But Horde had had a Tauren Paladin near Tauren Mill since P1, I’d assume that’ll be what they use if they do this at all


The biggest potential W out of this is we will finally have blue shamans.

Hopefully! Could just be flavor text, since Horde had the Tauren Paladin flavor text.

Keeping expectations low so I can only be impressed lol

Never a bad idea

Bout damn time horde gets the OP pallies. Have fun with those giga-nerfed wet noodle totem boys.