I heard that black dragons are the most powerful dragonflight because they are closest to the soul of Azeroth. The same with shamans, some people are sure that this class has a special connection with worldsoul.
Is this confirmed somewhere in the lore? Even item or dialogue is enough for me. Logically, Black Dragons seem to draw power from therezane or just copy her power. Khaz’goroth blessed the flock, but there was no indication that he had combined power of soul with his dragons. Do Black Dragons have a similar story to Earthen due to their closeness to the core soul, because of that she influenced them? The only clue I know is Ebonhorn, who is in fact also a shaman, was the first to discover where their new power after Amirdrassil comes from.
Shamanism versus what Black Dragons can do is sort of a ‘different methods, same effect’ type deal. Their ability to manipulate earth and fire is something inherent to them, much like an elemental. It’s just something they can do, and the origin is Titan in nature, so external. This makes them quite strong, but not necessarily the strongest Flight, just most suited to defense and combat.
Shamanism deals with the elements themselves, which is not Titan in origin. They bargain and work with the local spirits of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and just spirits of the dead in general. A talented Shaman isn’t someone who is really good at manipulating the earth or wielding fire, but rather one who is really good at gaining power from those local spirits of the elements. This makes them particularly attuned to spiritual energy and unseen forces, which as a result would have them naturally more likely to feel the World Soul as she starts waking up.
Neither group draws power directly from the soul of Azeroth, but rather from the powers that have formed around her. It’s why they can still do what they do off of Azeroth as well.
Ebonhorn is a Shaman, which makes perfect sense as a Black dragon. Too bad the Black Dragonflight and Earthen Ring are nowhere to be found. The latter was nowhere to be found even in Dragonflight.
Shamans get power from the elements. Which may not have anything to do with Azeroth’s soul at all. The elements exist on every planet as far as we know. Including ones without world souls like Draenor, which is where both orc and draenei shamanism originated.
Not true. There was at least a draenei from the Earthen Ring helping the players in a few quests.
The leader of the earthen ring spent all of dragonflight at the expedition base camp in waking shores meditating and floating above water. So helpful.