Did Rastakhan's pact with Bwomsandi saved his soul?

Okay, how do we know that Bwonsamdi doesn’t judge them himself if he thinks them not worthy of the other side? There’s no reason why we wouldn’t think so, especially if souls like Zalazane get special punishments as they do.

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Yes Bwonsamdi has Rastakhans soul.

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It might’ve been a thing thousands of years ago before Bwonsamdi was elevated to Loahood, and for centuries he provided a better alternative.

Again baseless assumption backed by no proof. What if Bwonsamdi created the Other Side without Mueh’zala’s knowledge? Mueh appeared to be surprised that Bwon was collecting stuff for himself.

Nice fanfiction.

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Not baseless when it’s supported by the lore. And It’s takes a fantastic feat of acrobatics of the mind to suggest that Mueh, THE Loa of Death, wouldn’t know if there’s a secret dimension where all Troll Spirits are being hidden away in. He would have to be the DENSEST Loa in creation to not notice all the Troll soul suddenly not arriving in the Shadowlands.

You don’t know what that word means, do you?

Not at all if the other Side was created when Mueh went MIA or was taken over when he was absent.
We don’t have any specific information to know for sure, but it won’t stop you from writing a fanfiction, yes.
There are plenty of questions to be asked to actually make a solid statement on how the cooperation between the two worked.

We don’t know when Other Side was created,
how, under which circumstances, when Mueh went MIA, how exactly their cooperation looked like, when Bwonsamdi decided to work against him, what made him change from devout follower to agent working on his own.
When Bwonsamdi actually lived, was he Zandalari or some proto troll, why Only he is recognised by other tribes, while Mueh is only revered by Farraki, why Mueh chose him to give him boons, was Bwonsamdi truly devoted or his plan was set in motion back when he was mortal?

A lot of what you wrote is your imagination /interpretation which doesn’t have any proof or direct reference.
At least write that it is your theory and don’t treat your assumptions as a solid fact and argue over it on forums. All the information is extremely vague by now, and until we will get answers for above questions we will never get a full picture of it.
The only thing that we know by now is that he is very good caretaker of the dead and that he actually cares for troll kind, and for that he is praised.

You don’t have to like him, but don’t try to invent stuff just to dislike him.

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that’s the reason why sylvanas wanted to kill bwosandi in shadowrising

Mueh only just RESENTLY dropped out of the Story, maybe in relation to the event playing out in the Shadowlands but more likely because of lack of worship. He’s still present in the story, just not a big player in the game so we can conclude he had resurfaced in recently as well.

We can also figure that from Bwon’s comments in SR that he still recognizes Mueh as something to be feared/respected and that in game, he still recognizes Mueh, not only as his boss but as a current player in the events of Vol’jin’s death (not his his death precisely but in wanting his soul.) Which tells us that, up til that point, Bwon was still working for Mueh and Mueh was in a position to obtain Vol’jin’s soul, which we can deduce that Mueh was expecting Bwon to deliver it.

We can hypothesize whether or not Bwon INTENDED to deliver or whether or not Bwon was aware of Mueh’s true intention prior to that point. (I suspect that it was at this moment that Bwon started to put it together that Mueh was behind Vol’jin’s death.)

It’s called direct inference. There are a lot of unknown facts but from what we do know paints a vague, yet distinct picture of events. As new facts are learned, that picture will definitely change but the facts presented still show that Bwon and Mueh’s relationship enough to infer a basic idea of their relationship.

In Shadows Rising Bwonsamdi makes it clear that he’s been saving every troll soul that he can from the moment the machine of Death broke. While not directly stated I assume it’s easier for him when he’s connected to said trolls.


As I said, lots of speculation backed by assumption/ interpretation, not a fact.

I’m just saying to wait once we will learn anything on essence before we make some big claims.
To make some big claims we need to have clarity on multiple questions. Not extremely vague information.

It is fine to speculate and make theories, but as I said before make it clear that it is an hypothesis/ theory and don’t pretend that you’re talking facts just to condemn Bwonsamdi.

I condemn him for the facts we do know. No need to pretend.

Everything else was just trolling you obsessed fanbois because you always get so riled up when anyone dares to shed light on the darker side of your “perfect, victimized, and tragically misunderstood Trolls.”

Wow, you’re so stunning and brave. Thanks for showing everyone.

Not Brave. Just Bored.