Did not receive trading post mount

Filled the bar, turned in the points for tender with my level 62 monk. Did not get the Ash’Adar mount with my currency. Can’t click on chest with any character now.

  • Did starter Quest on level 51 mage.
  • Gathered points on several characters - 70 Druid, 67 Paladin, and 62 Monk.
  • After bar was filled, collected tender on 62 Monk.
  • Did not receive Ash’Adar mount or credit towards the Warden’s transmog.

Same here also argh…

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I also did not get the mount after filling the bar and opening the chest to get the currency. I did not start the quest or complete any trading post activities on any character other than this one.

Update: Logging out for a few minutes and then back in seemed to fix it.

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I logged out for the night. Several hours later, still no mount.


Same, i completed the whole thing (after it resetting my points, and then killing 1 raid boss, getting them all back again and logged in another character to get the questlines autocompleted again) and all i got was 100 coins for the first checkpoint, no other coins and no mount. very unimpressed


Same issue - Already completed the start quests, moved on and started doing the activities, filled the bar - no mount


same, did all the activities to earn everything and quest.

Earned 1900 tender total.

No Mount.


Same here, didn’t receive my mount even though I completed all the activities requested

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I had just completed all tasks. I went to Trading Post, chest wouldn’t let me open it. Went to Adventure Guide and ALL my points reset to zero. No mount, now no points and so upset. How will Blizz let those of us who earned it be able to claim it?

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same here completd almost all the quests they wanted an more o earn points for the mount presented you would win if you filled the bar so i filled it on my worlock the only toon i did any of this on an no mount when completed so disappointed an can not open chest … what to do ???

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Same here. Just got 1000 and went to trade in and only got 300 of the currency and no mount.

I have the same issue. It won’t give my final 100 nor mount. I have logged out and in several times and have logged out over night. Sometimes it shows my bar complete sometimes 0. Occasionally it will show 0 then climb all the way up to 1000 but still no last chest.


I havent gotten it either. Not sure whats going on and cant seem to find a fix.

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Didn’t receive the mount, didn’t receive the tender.

I’m in the same boat. Filled my bar, touched that chest, no mount. Even though it says on the Shift J screen “You have collected all rewards for this month”.

Please blizz fix this. That mount is so pretty and we put in the work for it :frowning:


I also finished this, after it reset a couple of times and didn’t get the mount. Can’t click on the chest either.

Same and if you search for mounts not collected you will not even see it. I think it is a little broken…


Same here, completed 1000 for the trading post mount. received coins but no mount.

I tried logging out for 10 mins or so and still no go for the mount.

Yep, same. le sigh\