Did not receive the Ash'adar mount!

Arrgh…even forced myself to do the pet battle quests …completed the traders quest to 1000 for this month for the mount and no mount…how can you get something so important as the goal of the quest so screwed up? Where my mount lol!!!

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I completed the monthly last night and when I looted the chest all I got was 100 coins.

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Same thing happened to me, sent in a ticket.

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So an update… today after maintenance I logged in and went to the Trading Post chest and was able to open the chest. The chest gave me the Ash’adar Mount, you have to “unwrap” it in your collections mount tab.
So, this appears to be fixed… at least for me it was.

Looks like it’s still bugged. I just completed my trading post, got the 400 points but no mount.