Did not receive elite appearance after hitting 1800

I am currently 1850 in solo shuffle and still not have received the Elite Appearance on my DK Garza-Sargeras. this is the 3rd elite appearance I have unlocked this season and they usually come as soon as I hit 1800. I even played an extra match after hitting 1800 to make sure it unlocked and I still don’t have the helm or shoulders in my appearance tab.

This was my response to my ticket:

"That’s definitely an odd situation! Ultimately we can’t manually grant the elite appearance here, but I checked and there don’t seem to be any recent problems with those being granted. I’d recommend submitting a bug report on the forums so our QA and developers can look into this and try to replicate the issue, and see what happens from there Simply keep PvPing in the meantime, and it will be investigated!

Thank you for your time, and I hope the rest of your day goes well. If you have any further issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us."

Can someone please help me out here?


What does that have to do with elite pvp appearance?

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Thought we were talking about vault

I hit 1800 in 2s and did not get the elite gear either. It has happened to multiple people today. Must be a bug with new patch.

Same also hit 1800 in 2’s and did not unlock the elite mog.

Same for me, im now at 1868 rating in solo and did not get the elite set since 1600…

Same for me, that was the response to my ticket:

I’ve taken a look and we haven’t been receiving reports regarding this, which means it is most likely working as intended or has been caused by a recent update.
Taking this in consideration, we don’t have any workarounds at the moment nor can we provide any compensation regarding this since it is not a verified issue yet.
Still, since there is a chance for this to be a recent bug, please report it in-game since it’s the best way for it reach our developer team[…]

I also arrived yesterday at 1800 and I have not received the elite transfiguration of the shoulder pads and the helmet. Please fix now!!!

Patch notes say this was fixed but I still do not have the appearance?

No entiendo porque aún no lo solucionan!