LFD was the beginning of the end. Here is how to happened.
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The biggest sin of all
Making the game accessible to everyone! Blizzard went down this dark path in WoTLK. A lot of people loved this expansion, but a lot of people started playing in this expansion. Compared to Vanilla & BC:
Leveling Was Easy
Dungeons Were Easy
Raids Were Easy (Anyone could do 10 man content).
Dungeon Finder made Dungeons even easier.
People should have to conform to the game, rather than the game conforming to the people. While many love this expansion (once again most starting in WOTLK). You also saw a stagnation is WoW’s sub numbers. For those who had played since the beginning the game was changing in a way we did not like. How do I know this?
75% of the people I had played with in Vanilla and BC with quit during Wrath!
My Older Brother quit!
35% of my guild quit 3 months after Wrath. I lost two tanks in a months time, they outright quit.
About 6 people I knew IRL had quit during the duration of WOTLK. They no longer got the same satisfaction from the game.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying WOTLK is bad. I am just saying that it was too easy for a lot of people. The game was now conforming to the players. People who enjoyed wow in the past did not get the same satisfaction out of the game.
Example: When my guild started WOTLK we decided to have a race to 80. Those who had been playing since Vanilla got into it, and enjoyed the challenge.
There were a few people, a couple in particular that got extremely pissed off that people were doing this. The people who got pissed off… guess what? They started in BC! They had the time, but could not keep up with the pace. We assured them they would not be left behind as we would give people until the new year to level up (we started raiding after christmas because a lot of people had families and whatnot).
Still, this same couple became quite furious. They made it to 80 a few days after, and promptly quit the guild before we even started raiding. They felt we were too elite for starting… IN JANUARY 2 MONTHS AFTER THE BLOODY EXPANSION LAUNCHED!
These two people, wanted the game (and the guild) to bend to what they could do. I felt we should have started two weeks after. I had no family, but we eventually decided on the first week of January to let people catch up due to the time of year the expansion launched.