Did Ion Hazzikostas design the Twisting Corridors?

some late boss in an’qiraj iirc

But he is a Scarab Lord!

Well, if he was talking about C’thun then he was right. That boss was unkillable until it was nerfed.

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no it wasn’t
it was unkillable because people weren’t optimizing
Blizz did nerf because back then they made the game to be fun and not a time sink

No, there was several reasons it was unkillable. One of them was he could send the tanks into his stomach.

Edit: I might be remembering wrong with the tank thing but from reading the article, no amount of optimization would have helped with the bugs.

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It was quite literally mathematically impossible.


To be honest

I did it

I like flying half a ship you know

Yeah I don’t know why he’s trying to rewrite history. Here’s a story on the pre-nerf C’thun.


Hey so read what you post

“Basically, every 60 seconds the encounter requires your raid to do roughly 230,000 damage in order to keep up with the various spawns,” he wrote in a post that’s been scrubbed from the internet. “Now, a 40-man raid can certainly accomplish that on a single target. But when some people are in C’Thun’s stomach, and the targets of that DPS are spread throughout the room, and when clustering at all means that you get destroyed by a spawning tentacle or a jumping eye beam, the end result is simply impossible.”

basically he needed to get gud and he knew it
that’s why his complaint is “we can technically do it but there are too many mechanics to deal with”
Old Blizz devs gave interviews too that effect as well
Ion was wow’s first sweaty spreg, as evidenced by the game’s direction since he became director

What you quoted literally says that it’s mechanically and mathematically impossible. What’s your point?

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does it? then you will have no problem quoting that part of the text back

He also leaves out the part about the bugs (which were nerfed):

“The fight was bugged,” says Failure, who was the leader of the top-ten raiding guild Risen when C’Thun reigned supreme. “These large tentacles would spawn under you and send you flying to the ceiling, and then you’d come back down and take lethal damage. If that happened once we could still manage, but once it happened a second or third time we’d be screwed. So naturally people started to think the fight was kind of dumb. It was just a random bug that would hit you.”

Raid has to do 230,000 damage per minute on pre-nerf C’thun for it to be a kill. This is doable on a boss like Broodlord, as an example, where you just stand there and nuked the boss. Issue is C’thun spawns adds that require DPS to be spread, and the mechanics require you to kill those adds while random players get sucked into the stomach. Split DPS cannot do as much damage as concentrated DPS.

With this, article literally states that it was mechanically and mathematically impossible. I don’t understand why you’re arguing lol.

Ion sucks lol

Ion said it was impossible and it made him famous
In reality everyone in Elitist Jerks were spergs who didn’t understand the game
Blizz nerfed so more people could clear, like a not crap LFR, and people assumed it was because Ion
In reality the Devs were just too good at WoW and the misjudged the player base

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Ok? But that has nothing to do with the fact many guilds, including ones in Europe, said C’thun was impossible.

You know you can still say Ion sucks without trying to rewrite history, right?

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do able, they just needed to get gud

You are clearly trolling. Pre-nerf C’thun might have been mathematically possible with modern minmaxing (15+ warrior raid comps, full world buffs, OP consumes, BIS in every slot, etc), but some of the tentacle mechanics would have still made the fight entirely RNG dependant.

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It’s doable if you can stand there and nuke the boss, which isn’t the case on C’thun. It’s almost like your brain is only registering certain words on what is being said here.

Many people say a lot of dumb things. Maybe it was easier to say " its the boss that is impossible, im not bad"

At some point it becomes impossible to differentiate between someone pretending to be stupid and an actual moron. Careful the line that you tread.