First time I played BC when I was like 13 I made a belf Pala (like apparently 90% of the horde) and I had always been a ret Pala. I remember ret was really boring to play and they were always outclassed by everyone both in pvp and pve. Still, for some reason even I can’t understand, I started classic tbc yesterday and made another belf Pala…my idea this time was to go holy/prot though
Played for around 2 or 3 hours and I’m level 10 now, but I don’t know if I should ditch the character. I’ve been reading that nobody actually used prot palas for raiding in tbc and that holy paladins are niche and raids only need 1 or 2 at most (which seems bad seeing how overcrowded the class is) and ret is still considered subpar AFAIK.
On top of that, the class feels seriously boring to play as. They really don’t have any fun skills.
Should I just reroll something like warrior or warlock? I’d rather avoid hunter since I’m not a fan of having to buy ammo and sacrificing a bag for a quiver.
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Most guilds want 1 prot pally at least for trash and dungeons. Plus Hyjal
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You’ll sacrifice a bag for soulshards as a lock.
You should roll whatever you enjoy playing and not worry about the FOTM.
I’m not sure who you are talking too, but many guilds are looking for all three specs of paladin.
I’ve written up a response on why it’s a good idea to take at least one ret in your raid, I’ll go find it for you.
As for boring, yeah, paladin is a Netflix and kill leveling experience, but with prot/ret tree you can pull off some durdly big pulls and ret at the end of the game gets active with seal twisting.
Literally just play what you find fun. All classes and specs are viable if you understand how to play them properly. Stop worrying about what’s meta or min maxing. Pick something and have fun.
Boring is subjective and everyone has their own views. Prot paladins are good in TBC but like everyone else, do have some draw backs. As far as viability as a tank in TBC, it’s there. Play what you want, learn it well and find a group that will take you in with open arms.
For clarity, I’m not saying that you should stack ret paladins, they are likely a 1-of. To say there is no reason to bring a ret however is silly when they can manage middle of the road DPS while providing great utility and further improving the DPS of your high DPS classes.
Their Seal of Crusader when judged gives 3% Crit to anybody who hits the boss, that is a pretty big deal when you consider it is raid wide. Crusader strike also allows you to refresh any seals that holy paladins apply and cannot refresh themselves which gives your raid access to both seal of wisdom and seal of light which is not an insignificant amount of raid wide healing or Mana Regen and with the ret why choose? You get both plus their special seal of the crusader. If you would like your pally tank to have all three blessings of Sanctuary, light, and kings, you are going to want a ret pally. Also don’t forget that blessing of salvation exists as well, so you now have access to that for anybody who doesn’t benefit from all three kings, might, and wisdom (30% less threat generation is handy), and depending on what you want to do with that extra aura slot you can pair them with the pally tank for 12% more holy based threat or with another group for 2% extra damage (hey it’s something).
I like that you posted this because I’m literally in the same boat (except I was 24 when TBC came out).
I’m more inclined to spend my prepatch leveling an Alliance Shaman and then boost a Tauren Druid for my Horde. Druid just seems more fun this go round.
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Your only mistake is rolling a blood elf.
Main a lock and keep that Paladin for farming or raid alt.
Paladins are fine, but most of all, it doesn’t really matter if your class struggles to keep up with others. Nobody is playing TBC to min/max, and those that are aren’t worth playing with anyways.
Play what’s fun to you.
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imagine caring about FOTM
play whatever you enjoy
If you’re not having fun, stop and do something else.
the elitist sweat lords are doing it to min/max tho
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No clue who’s telling you they’re a meme spec, every raid will typically want one of each pally. They bring nice buffs to a raid.
It’s natural for you to feel this way because I went through the same thing back in Classic launch. My first main was a human pally and it was extremely dull and painful to level, especially solo play. I also got forced to heal in dungeons which is not my thing. Rerolled a warlock and have a much fun experience.
Everyone should have a paladin in TBC. There won’t be a lack of anything for you to do, quite versatile.
If you’re not having fun with it, you shouldn’t keep playing it. Don’t expect that fact to change just because you’re higher level, particularly if you never liked playing the class you played before.
Some people enjoy playing powerful classes. Nothing wrong with it, just human nature.