Did I grab the right professions for holy Paladin?

There is also a meteorite trinket eventually

The stupid ghost gun doesn’t pull…so sad when i realized that the first time. Thought all these palas had it cuz it did. Boy was i wrong

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Don’t answer if you don’t want, but do you go by “Cooter” irl?

WHy would u ever need to make flasks?

There is no money in that

Have some guildy do it fool, who isn’t you

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I’m a Scooter IRL

Most handsome Scooter in the county, and that’s saying something. Lotta Scooters round these parts

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Well, I wouldn’t call Cooter handsome, but he is funny.

The alchemy on alts thing is a good one because you don’t need alchemy skill to use alchemy potions the way you need engineering skill to use engineering creations. (I think alchemy just has that alchemist stone something trinket to buff heals if classic has that while engineering has a gazillion things only engineers can use.)

People saying skinning for gold are also right. I’ve seen mages AOE’ing the snot out of everything in felwood and skinning it all. One actually apologized for killing all the quest monsters and explained he got skinning for gold. :slight_smile: Then he went over to another area and left the quest beasts to me.

Tempted to switch to engineering myself, but more likely I’ll just let this guy provide the lw/skinning stuff to my alts. And let alts be free to pick engineering and alchemy and whatever else. (Over in retail I have a rogue with alchemy and engineering that’s pretty brilliant, being supplied by hunter/lw and dk/miner/herb alts.)

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flasks are not worth it

I guess I look at it like a holy paladin. I don’t worry about increasing my dps while in groups. I worry about reducing dmg to the others. I wear plate healing gear so I can ignore most incoming damage on me, plus I have my bubble if I really need it. And exorcism always 1 shots those shades in strat.

Your level 35 alt isn’t going to be able to make major mana pots because you get the recipe in scholo either as a drop from the last boss, or by finishing the chain quest in it and getting the trinket that will let you buy it outside.

I have alchemy and I earn 5-10 gold passively every two days just sitting in the city and transmuting arcanite bars.