Did I do something wrong?

Just came back to Join TBC classic. I’m on Herod and there isn’t a single soul on the server?

games ded, broski
we’re all waiting for SoM to start
you get an insta 60 for the beta tomorrow though, pretty cool


Just to confirm you picked Burning Crusade Classic on the launcher right? Are you horde or alliance?

TBCC Herod alliance is gone. Herod horde is still there. If you’re Herod alliance you didn’t do anything wrong, that’s just how the server is now. :frowning:

On Classic Era everyone took the free transfer to Whitemane from what I heard.


Not totally dead :slight_smile:


I think that was supposed to be the server for people who like long barefoot walks at the dog park. jk, i dunno…

Yes I see now that the entire server transferred. Unfortunately for me when I go into the shop they want to charge me 25$…

So I suppose I’ll just stay gone from the game until something more reasonable is proposed.

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Classic era? The transfer to whitemane is free.

I had a choice to log into TBC so I did so it locked me there and it doesn’t seem to be free for classic tbc.

No it wouldn’t be free from TBCC. Although if all the alliance transferred off it probably should be.


It does suck to come back and have nobody there to play with. You could also reroll on another server to not pay extra if you wanted to (almost all of the TBCC servers are having serious issues so you’d need to look at ironforge.pro first and look at one of the top ones for the faction you pick if you reroll) but if you’d rather just not play that completely makes sense.

I haven’t been satisfied with how Blizzard has handled this entire situation but this is how it is. :frowning:

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I’d sooner transfer than reroll because I have more money than time these days.

It’s just about the principal of this situation. I love this game but I think I’ve hit a point where I can’t in good faith continue to give them money. I’m gonna force myself to play GW2 Until I’m completelybored of that and maybe go back to FPS or Racing games.


I totally understand where you’re coming from, have fun with whatever you play.


nerds ruined it for me on grobbulus…2 guilds both couldn’t kill gruul… 10 year old content smfh. just gave up and quit. just waiting for SoM now.

I don’t get why they have so many servers to begin with. This game is nothing like
how it use to be and there truly isn’t that many playing Classic.
Just make like 3 servers for PvE/RP/PvP and be done with it.