Did Gurubashi Arena have layers in Vanilla?

What’s happening on my realm Bigglesworth is that Horde and Alliance are separating into at least two layers to avoid each other. There is usually one PvP guild in a party for each faction in both those layers further aggravating my experience. I’ve been told by one of my faction players when I reached Gurubashi Arena to “switch layers”.

The fight to loot the Gurubashi Arena chest should be a lot like trying too Zalazane’s head on the WoW Classic launch day, not what it is now.

Update: I saw the Blizzard post (Did Gurubashi Arena have layers in Vanilla?) about adding a delay to repeatedly switching layers, and this should help somewhat, but I still think it falls far to short from what I think the solution should be in spirit with what Gurubashi Arena is supposed to be.