Did DH nerf get processed?

Yah just wondering because it’s done absolutely nothing.


Were you really expecting those nerfs to do anything besides make them die like 1% more of the time? lol


Nah not at all after they nerfed mage shield 8x in SL and it was still broken I realize their numbers do nothing lol

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I actually thought, the 50% fix to their 2 set bonus would decrease their overall damage at least a bit.

Is it still bugged? Could you guys check how much of their damage is from

  • Throw Glaive
  • Soulscar

percentage wise?

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dh unplayable now needs buffs!


I’d accept a DH buff if they got rid of fistweaver and put a DR on how many times you can que into DH so I could at least see one other class in the week.

Ive only looked at a SUPER small sample size (12 games) but it looks like the tier set + EB nerf is like 6.5% overall. That being said, theyre still doing big dam.

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nah its just legit nothing wym 3% nerfs? lol youre expecting to notice the difference?

Devs be like my work here is done, see you all in prepatch poof



Thank god you quit mage tired of losing ev duel to u

I’d come bully you on my SP but its ally.

Velf too hard to pass up.

I’ll slam ur sp im alliance too I’m posted up at the shire whenever I’m online let me run those pockets

These changes are metaphorically Blizzard just throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping it sticks. They need to throw that spaghetti back into the pot and let it cook more.


Yeah… idk about this one. I’m gonna need to see evidence to suggest the nerfs even did that much.

There’s 0% chance devs are lmao’ing at the DH “nerfs”. It’s a prank. There’s just no possible other way.

i can hear the rocking chair and the 14 free hours every single day in the things you post nowadays. did you attend a seminar on how to inoffensively say nothing in a way that extracts flecks of attention from polite strangers?


Do you mean “say anything”?

Why do you always write like you’re working on a Shakespeare poem man? What are you trying to prove?

You’re a terrible person bro…

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I’m a terrible person because I wrote


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The things you said about my friends in discord was just mean and uncalled for….