Did Blizzard turn of legacy loot on the PTR?

Or is this a permanent change designed to annoy a portion of the playing base?

I just ran an Firelands on the PTR, killed 2 bosses and got a total of nothing. OK maybe not nothing, I got a crafting reagent.

Some folks are claiming it’s to prevent gold farming which I’m not sure is the truth.

So others are reporting it, sounds like it could be a set change. Or you may need to go above level 50 to get the legacy loot thing enabled.

Just curious what about Firelands needed testing on the PTR?

Also, bug report it on the PTR forum if you’re actually interested in seeing a change. This is just complaining on GD about a PTR change.

testing old raids to see if they can still be smashed is a valid enough reason for me. its not just the xpac features that need to be tested


Okay, I can accept that. But this feedback needs to be in the proper forum, not just asking GD about something that half the people here might not even be doing.

Yeh like the report function in game. Also I post here because this is where most of the players who use the forums are and will most likely get some sort of response. Post over on the PTR forums and what happens? Crickets and nothing and than we have no traction and nothing gets done.


tends to happen every xpack, legacy gets a little screwed. It normally is either fixed by launch or they rebalance and fix it shortly after. But everything that Blizz has said is that legacy loot will remain unchanged, that being said im seeing alot of reports that the gold value has been dropped substantially so it wont be a worth while raw gold farm. Yes for tmog but not worth it for gold

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All i know is that it better be a bug. If this is intended then it is a horrible change.

just jokes right cause if its true rip wow fore me


why would you say that?

i play this game for old raids collecting armor sets if they make this personal loot rip for me


They’re changing pretty much the entire game with level squishing, so everything needs to be tested.

Citation needed.


I honestly don’t care what they do to old raids at this point as I think we’ve been spoilt by blizzard for long enough with 1 tapping every single mob in the damn place to collect free loot

Then people complain about AoE caps in old world instances whilst they have the 1 hits enabled

That’s some serious privilege right there

let me guess, you’re one of these people who screams “but we reported it while it was on PTR and nothing was done!”

(while “reporting” it in the wrong place, and expecting something to happen?)

if you want to get some traction, post where the other people testing are posting.

…and stop assuming that just because blue posters aren’t fawning over every thread, that it’s being ignored.

Permanent or not. If the change is intended, or this is true:

Than I am damn glad I am almost done with my xmog farm for all four armour classes and all the good weapons that I want.

I guess but all you’re getting here in GD is speculation and people agreeing with you. If that’s what you were after, kudos for success.

Well doesn’t reporting issues as bugs also count as a correct option? Or is that also not the right option to raise issues?

shadowlands is looking a lot less appealing week by week that goes by… smh


old content world bosses and areas like timeless isle on the chopping block too so this is a concerted effort to cure botting and gold RMT

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