Did Blizzard raise max # of characters per account?

Hi there, Did Blizzard just raise the max number of characters per account?

I have 65 active characters on my account and today I see there is a "Create Character’ button. When I press the button it will let me select gender/race/class etc… but I’m afraid to actually try to create a character in case it removes one of my existing characters? Did they raid the cap on number of characters per account?


Yes, when Remix started, they increased the amount by 5, I think. Could have been more…

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51? I currently have 65 active characters.

No, lol. They increased the max characters per account by 5.
I think you read that wrong. :slight_smile:
Happens to me all the time.
They might have increased the max number of characters more than 5.
I do not remember, you can look up the Remix article if u want the exact number increase.
I should have put a , inbetween 5 and I, my bad. Will fix it.

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Thanks. Well, I might try to create the 66th character and see what happens then.

What could go wrong - right? :rofl:

Solution: since I have the max number of character its will NOT allow me to make a new character, even thou the button is present on my log-in page :slightly_frowning_face:

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Now we both know what the max toon limit is.
Thanks for the update!

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