Did Blizz nail it?

  • Crests increased as you push higher keys
  • Crests for completion just 4 below timing, so less incentive for leaving
  • Costs of enchanted crests reduced, so easier to fill targeted slots with bis, while still leaving small margin (3 ilvl) to improve through drops
  • Achievement to obsolete guilded dropped to 636, making it more realistic for top players to achieve

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Maybe for everything except this part. People who leave keys tend to do it more because they won’t make the timer to increase their .io score, not so much because they will only get 5 crests instead of 12.


We have a blue post we can read. We didn’t need an advertisement for a streamer, too. lol


Too little too late? I know they did say this will be the way it works next season, as well.


bah… a lil late.

nobody cares except the altoholics at this point.

for the mains it just feels like
“great… i worked for it and now that i dont need it they’re ready to give it.”

good for you alt-lovers though, congrats :slight_smile:

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Would prefer more loot drop as well it takes a weirdly long time to hear without using delvs. Overall though I like it. Good change.

Out of 50 things that have been broken for months, they fixed 1 of them after the season pretty much died off in a wimper

Not sure if that’s exactly nailing it


There’s a surprising amount of people at gutter io who erroneously think that people won’t play with them if they have depleted keys in their history, too. :dracthyr_love_animated:

How does feedback on halfway decent changes get ignored into obscurity but bait posts about cash shop gear to “fix M+” get 71 likes?


It’s too late for this season and doesn’t address the other big issue which is having a interrupt dispell driven season and not every class can interrupt / dispell proficiently enough for all content.

I shared my own observations, my interpretation of the recent changes, then included link to a pertinent video of respected streamer discussing same changes. His thoughts are not identical to mine, but he’s highly regarded (based on likes and subscribers) and usually has worthwhile thoughts on things.


I agree this is a big problem. It’s tough to balance all classes and specs in PVE for both raid and M+. They should really adopt an extra mini talent system similar to the 3 PvP talents. Something along the lines where in keys you would be able to choose 3 options and in them you could have a choice of: 15s interrupt, brez, lust, aoe stun, a healer external for tanks, etc…

I understand it may water down some classes in M+ but to do any serious key this season you need interrupts, lust, a brez at minimum. It’s at the point where its pretty much a requirement.

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longterm ongoing challenge: how to make all classes viable without making them generic?

Yea pretty much :neutral_face:

Tough to do but there’s many people at Blizz who get payed big bucks to solve this.

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I read that as “We only care about top players and those pushing higher keys, everyone else can piss off”.

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They made changes to address some concerns that have been expressed by community around M+. What is it you think they should have done different?

They’re all good changes, but the question is will they remain for future seasons?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the 90 → 60 crests for crafted items or the 90 → 45 crests upgrade bags were temporary.

Revert tank changes then get back to me

Idgaf about crests mysef. gear is mostly meaningless with the pace of seasons tbh

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In the blue post:


The lower costs for crafting and crest swaps apply to everyone, true. But the rate changes only benefit M+, which is now even more lucrative than raiding. Need to boost the crest rewards for raiding and delves to match.
Although who am I kidding, now all Daddy Blizz wants to rewards is thier precious M+. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: