Did 11.0.5 Forget Priest?

Time and place. This isn’t a thread for “how can we work around our weaknesses” this is a thread pointing out our weaknesses, the issues they cause, and how they have been completely neglected by blizzard.

Your points would be sound if someone was asking “how do I handle X mechanic” as oppose to stating “X mechanic punishes priest significantly harder than other classes because we have been denied basic tools everyone else has.”


With all due respect, I see where you’re coming from, but nowhere in the priest forums is there going to be a thread of “let’s problem solve and consider our options”.

It’s downplaying when you say that it’s a skill issue if you die from a “screw priests specifically” mechanic because you weren’t rescued.

People are jumping at you because the discussion you’re trying to have was had almost a decade ago. Blizzard is regularly designing mechanics that are unique death sentences for priests and nobody else, which doesn’t speak to any specific animus toward priest but rather a total lack of understanding of what priest is capable of handling. They don’t realize they’re designing “F U Priests Specifically” mechanics regularly because they think priest’s options are on par with other slow classes. They’d have to immediately rework priest if they knew instead of giving mage and paladin their third complete pass in two years.

PW:GFY revealed that Blizzard’s only considerations for priest design are that it can’t do what other classes do (but not the other way around) and that priest should be weak in XYZ ways. The fact that other classes have had weaknesses reduced and strengths expanded with hero talents or overall reworks while priest has only had its weaknesses expanded upon while its narrow strengths are nerfed into mediocrity the moment they’re useful.

The time to discuss how to mitigate our weaknesses has passed. All that’s left is for Blizzard to wake up and bring priest out of 2004.


Then start it if that is the discussion you wish you have. Don’t try to take a thread about one topic and make it about a different one. Doing so is one of the reasons you haven’t come off as well as you think you have.


This is the kind of hyperbole I want to avoid.

I don’t know how many times I can say I understand there are so many ways priest are struggling. I get it. It sucks. I’m sorry it sucks. I hope it improves. I really do.

And in regards to the “get good” thing toward Banana, he was disparaging me earlier in a different thread. So it was more of a reaction to his previous engagement with me.

I’m gonna take a break from the forums for a bit. I wish you all luck. Be well.

The thing is it isn’t hyperbole. When I say there was a mechanic on M Raza during Dragonflight that priests could not survive without an Evoker Rescue that isnt hyperbole it was exactly the case. The best guilds literally had 1 evoker for every priest because they had to or the priests could not survive the encounter.


Fair enough, good to know.

I love renew, but given that it doesn’t scale with mastery and they took away the only talent we had that actually made renew hit decently (rapid renew/instant renew) and it currently heals for 1/4 of what flash heal heals for (but costs half as much mana) … it seems like a renew playstyle is basically unsustainable?

What’s your secret sauce?

It’s just specific for Rashanan, because during intermission you have to run across the bridge and dodge a wide coverage of both green puddles and random circles.
If RNG on circles is bad, you have to detour or stop for a moment otherwise you clip the circles and potentially die if you don’t pop a personal. I got hit by one once, and it left me well under 30% hp and close to death.

I don’t “need” rescue on Rashanan. I can slowly take my sweet time and run across the bridge safely, because technically there’s no hurry in crossing the bridge. But that also means we are down a healer when it comes to topping up the raid to full for the soak.

Once we outgear heroic, this isn’t a problem obviously, but on mythic progression? You can bet it’s extremely important for all healers on progression to cross the bridge early and on point topping up the raid to full for every soak.


People who have to start off their ill-conceived replies with “with all due respect” and “no offense” tend to have no respect and all the offense fully intended.

Can we not derail the convo please? Arguing amongst ourselves wont solve the outstanding issues priest design has.

There is a big need to modernise priest,like the rest of the classes got. Stop bickering about stuff. Its true that rasza encounter,a priest couldn’t make it unless evoker. Like literally they could not survive. Lets move past that .

Feedback is our only weapon and we need to get loud about it
Its sad sad very sad how priest is neglected


I use it for stacks of healing chorus, otherwise it doesn’t reach 20 when I want to CoH, as the PoM talent doesn’t always proc enough. I miss empowered renew and am still frustrated over it’s removal though. :frowning:


We’re all just here to discuss what we think the class needs. Please stop with the undermining comments.

Yeah, I used Renew as filler when Empowered Renew was still a thing, or was it Rapid Renewal? Forgot which was the one but it’s either of the two.

In other unrelated news, Lightweaver is really starting to pick up steam in raids, with some of the top parses actually foregoing Circle of Healing entirely.

Imagine how bad design that is when ots better yo use your ST talents for aoe healing. CoH and PoH should be dominating raid not lightweaver


Yeah it’s actually crazy, I knew Lightweaver was going to be a strong option for spot healing in raids, but I certainly didn’t expect it’s actually competitive to drop Circle of Healing entirely.

Heal is currently doing the same amount of healing as Circle of Healing(like seriously, even with full stacks Healing Chorus), and the cooldown is only limited by casting Flash Heal before it.

Obviously the drawback is that it isn’t instant, but having what is a 3 second cd “Circle of Healing” is really quietly pushing up the numbers.

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Holy seems to rely on their ST healing. But I don’t know if that’s the player base finding what’s best and leaning into it? Or if that’s what Blizzard intends.

It’s fine to give Holy a niche. But clear communication on design intentions would be preferred. We have some cool AoE healing spells. I’d like to use them.

Shadowcrash- while being able to target a mob is great, sometimes the mob dies before it hits and it ends up not hitting anything.

Silence - yay I get to choose between this or my defensive. Absurdly long cd too

I wish someone at blizzard would play some rdps specs and then try shadow to get a better idea of how it plays.

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There was a time when each class had a dedicated dev. But sadly that’s gone by the wayside. The best we can do is continue pointing out the pain points and not stop until they acknowledge us.

For me since the dawn of holy, i enjoyed the versatility and tools it had. Like its pretty obvious to anyone reading talents and abilities that the aoe abilities should be preferable for aoe healing. Only at blizzard HQ this logic flew out the window.

I want PoH and CoH to be the go to for aoe/raid healing , and heal/flash heal to be triage. With current tuning its whatever.

Also baseline kit should be strong. Like freakishly strong but high mana cost. PoH should be a big 5 man nuke and CoH aswell, at the cost of mana so you are not a spam bot but rather throw some big heals when its needed.

I hate how baseline kit fees very weak. It should be the other way around, strong baseline and cooldowns to be just effecient healing or fun interactions for the baseline to not deplete your mana or flavour gameplay