- I woke this morning determined to move forward into the past. Much thought had been put into what role I would take up. Should I follow in the footsteps of my past, or try a new direction? While healing and support has always been part of my personality, this time around, I wanted something new! So, let me see how it is on the front lines. A bucket head it would be. I sat my coffee down and took one last furtive glance out of my bedroom window. A squirrel, probably one of the same family line that used to tease my pup ran along the fence line. I hated those damn squirrels. So did Lucy! *
*After so many days gone by, I had made the decision to return through The Emerald haze… *
Oddly, I feel the need to have a battle cry with my new role. hmmm “Face first!!” it is!!! And with a click, here I go.
I awoke feeling slightly ill. My stomach was tumbling. What was that scent? Salt air? Strange. I slowly brought myself to my feet prepared for anything and there she was. A copper skin fierce soldier with stern analyzing eyes. I felt as if she was trying to pierce my soul. Or perhaps prepare to cut out my heart…
I woke this morning determined to move forward into the past. Much thought had been put into what role I would take up. Should I follow in the footsteps of my past, or try a new direction? While healing and support has always been part of my personality, this time around, I wanted something new! So, let me see how it is on the front lines. A bucket head it would be. I sat my coffee down and took one last furtive glance out of my bedroom window. A squirrel, probably one of the same family line that used to tease my pup ran along the fence line. I hated those damn squirrels. So did Lucy!
After so many days gone by, I had made the decision to return through The Emerald haze…
Oddly, I feel the need to have a battle cry with my new role. hmmm “Face first!!” it is!!! And with a click, here I go.
I awoke feeling slightly ill. My stomach was tumbling. What was that scent? Salt air? Strange. I slowly brought myself to my feet prepared for anything and there she was. A copper skin fierce soldier with stern analyzing eyes. I felt as if she was trying to pierce my soul. Or perhaps prepare to cut out my heart…
She quickly handed me off to her subordinate to “train” me. Not quite knowing what to expect, but having spent enough time in this world to know that one must always be prepared, I summoned a few trusty heirlooms. The shield felt awkward and I swear the bastard laughed when I tried to block his “training” blows! This will not continue! Fortunately for my bruised ego, the training was abruptly cut short. Unfortunately for us all, this cheap naval unit did not have enough essence or mana to get this water box to fly like a true alliance force should be capable of! Clearly, Anduin has been remiss in funding these poor fools properly. Perhaps he has been distracted. Or worse? In a horrific twist of fate, The captain seemingly has floated us into a tidal wave! Well, I lost sight of the grumpy lady and since I ain’t a captain in this makeshift “army”, I won’t be going down with the ship!
Pulling myself ashore, I find a rag tag group of waterlogged soldiers and their grumpy yet focused commander. She goes through the motions of giving me some very basic training, which I am both thankful and mildly insulted by. She even took a cheap shot on me before giving very rudimentary tactical advice on how to hone my talents. Private dummy onboard did a far better job by making certain I never turned my back on him. For all her simple personality and attitude, she is an adept warrior. My back was not turned to her, yet she easily stunned me with her quick and powerful blow! After showing her that I too could hold my own in battle, we rounded up the soggy front line scouts and continued the mission.
Shortly thereafter, we rescued her captured son, who she clearly did not teach all of her skills. To his credit, I believe he will make a fine Paladin one day! He clearly has an affinity to The Light.
as our still soggy battalion made our way across the island, I was smart enough to ditch my shield. It was a purely instinctual move to alter my stance, defense, and attacks to include two parrying weapons as both offense & defense to down my target. I will clearly need to hone my skillset to include something to heal myself and allies with as even a Murloc can find luck given enough numbers!
In time, and fortunately with no lives lost, we managed to find all of our capture compatriots and make our way to a hillside to signal for the Alliance to rescue us. For now, it is off to Stormwind. To train, shop for upgrades, ponder my return and plan a new trajectory of glory once I am able to find some allies to align myself with to fight for The Alliance, and level the vile hordes or fermented fur and Fel covered vermin…
- I apologize for the typos. Post stroke, my vision is shot. I look forward to meeting ya’ll on the other side. Should you have a need for a “face first” tank, please consider reaching out. Especially and new or returning players. We can make the grind together! As for the vets out there, I will do my best not to waste your time and will be forever honored for the advice you share along my journey. I look forward to seeing you on the other side!
L11 Warrior