Diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. Looking for a simple class to play

Sorry to hear about your health. Also bad news, rogue will probably be a bit out of reach as it is right now due to how cooldown stacking and resource juggling the class is. The good news is that there’s several other classes that can reach 70% or higher efficiency with ‘one button macro’ play style (Not kidding, this is an actual thing).

If you’re looking for a bit more than that and still managing button rotations and such, Beast Master hunters and Ret paladins would probably be in the better direction for you, especially ret right now as they’re fairly simple and have a LOT of single target damage that’s also cleave damage at the same time.

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So, here’s what I’ve decided so far. My fav races are the elves with blood and void being my fav. Night elf is only for being a bear, which works since I love bears. So I need something those races give. I’ve not gotten far with evoker so that might be on the plate.

I’m leaning more alliance since I’ve been horde for so long I’m kinda wanting a fresh start.

Fashion. The real end game. lol :joy:

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Personally I have found Ice Mage to be pretty simple, Can just hit whichever button is glowing and you’ll get good results.

Same with Dev. Evoker if using the Desintegrate route, It’s like… 5 buttons. Ya Breath fire, use beam, Use your Wing charge, use beam… use beam until those 2 buttons are back up :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, for melee Ret Paladin is very simple and effective!

for me, my personal favorites for what you are describing are ret paladin and havoc dh
i have issues as well and they are pretty easy to pick up and be decent at

this is why i cant play rogue. at all. i levelled one to 70 during df then deleted it. i was terrible with it

While frost mage is easy too, I’d go with bm hunter because it’s easier to pay less attention and still not* die, you can always feign death when things get overwhelming and you have auto shot

I know a lot of people are saying BM hunter, but MM hunter is a really great class as well.
I like it because I find I have less keys to keep track of.

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So, out of all the classes I returned to my night elf bear. I seriously doubt I’ll be doing mythic though anytime soon. Sooo many complaints about toxicity and I’d believe it. I do have to thank Hekili though. Was doing quests with war mode on as always, I turned my back for a few seconds and when I turned back around a tauren bear was trying to gank me. I’m no stranger to pvp so with the help of Hekili reminding me of procs I killed him twice and he gave up. I love burgers so that worked out perfect. My bear is full now… Lesson for the day… don’t randomly try to gank someone… you might bite of more than you can chew… but not more than the person you’re ganking can chew… lol


THen I say play any toon you want , In fact I say try several class/specs and go with the one that ends up the easiest and most comfortable for you .

As for your possible condition , my heart goes out to you . I saw what it did to my last 2 grand parents . Hopefully it’s you just being in a fog and nothing more .

Sending out a :people_hugging:

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Beastmaster is really nice if you passive any talent you can, unless they changed something.
Its kinda just banging keys if you want to play it that way. Nothing complex. very fast paced. Feign Death is great for problems.

if ever I get to doing m+ I’d gladly do some with you. I really do not care about how well it goes at all. If it goes well, amazing, if not, we tried.

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This community has been really amazing to me. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart.