Diabolist Stealth Nerf!

An Internal Cooldown of 5 seconds has been added to the time reduction of diabolic ritual when spending soul shards, such that if you cast a spell that spends 3 or 2 or one even, only a single second of time is consumed from the ritual time until the summoning of the next demon. Of course once 5 seconds have elapsed you can then cast another 3 shard spell for one second of ritual time, but hey you got those 5 while waiting right?

You might think this is a massive change to the functioning of the hero spec and that players should have been told about it three days before the start of season 1 but Nah, just deal with it, you can always switch to hellcaller or soul harvester.


Hellcaller got nerf’d too. 5 second internal cooldown. Huge dps loss. F-tier unplayable now. Time to switch classes.


Soul Harvester?

The fact that Diabolist also got hit with the same nerf as Hellcaller leads me to think even more it has to be unintentional.

In PvP (3s) Diabolist struggles even more to generate/spend shards, this cannot be right.

Hope we get some clarification asap because a sweeping change like this right before season start is really doing a number on a lot of people. The amount of time I wasted preparing when I could’ve switched mains, ugh

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This better be unintentional. Same crap with Hellcaller


Not seeing this in testing. Its still reducing by 3 shards worth each cast even if sooner than 5 seconds.

I tested this with HoG and Dreadstalkers and didn’t see any internal cooldown.

I think we have a troll.

No, it was an unintentional nerf that’s been fixed.

No, it never existed.

I tested a possible Diabolist internal cooldown nerf on Sunday, Monday morning and Monday afternoon before Kaivax’s comment and never saw any kind of internal cooldown for Diabolic Ritual.