Diablo Sharedmedia/libsharedmedia on a mac: Help plz!I found the sharedmedia addon, libshared media, and installed it. It works with things like fonts in elvui.
I love the diablo ui GOldpaw made. I downloaded goldpaw’s awesome Diablo themed shared media with all the cool health orbs, ect. .
I started up wow with elvui. Nothing happens. I cannot figure out how to past the media into my wow ui, although I know it is done somehow. I see no command, to interface option to access media, nothing.
Will some awesome person out there please help me!
LSM is just a catlogue of different media types. Addons register media for use by any addon. It’s broken into sub-catalogues of “background”, “border”, “font”, “statusbar” and “sound”.
You can list the different “catalogues” fairly simply eg;
/run local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") for k, v in pairs(LSM:List("background")) do print(k, v) end
This will list textures held in the “background” catalogue. LSM registers some media that will be common but the rest will depend on what addons you have that have also registered media (in your case GoldPaws).
An example of using (Fetch) a texture from the LSM “background” catalog would be:
/run local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:SetSize(100, 100) f:SetPoint("CENTER") f.t = f:CreateTexture() f.t:SetAllPoints() f.t:SetTexture(LSM:Fetch("background", "Blizzard Out of Control"))
This wil create a frame in the center of your screen with a blue border, You can replace “Blizzard Out of Control” with any of the names listed using the first script.
Use /reload to clear the frame
That’s tha basics. Beyond that, I don’t know ElvUI or the GoldPaw media addon pack you mentioned but I’m guessing that if it were possible to combine the two, there would be a reaonable amount of work involved in setting it up unless GPs pack comes with instructions for setting up ElvUI or configuration code to do it for you.
incredible helpful. I did reach a limit when i coudnt figure out how to make orbs fill up with a health color
Possibly using a texture registered in the “statusbar” sub-catalogue eg:
playerhealthbar:SetStatusBarTexture(LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "xxx"))
health/mana bar name is whatever name ElvUI uses for these bars (if that’s what you are using). You would also need to change them to vertical fill which may be a build in option? Or use
who that sounds doable changing them to fill vetically andfit the square inside the circle somehow?